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  • Ask the member called Kratos Aurion. (Ignore the fact that he/she's offline all the time. He/she's always on invisible mode.)

    Also we had this really bad bug that used to let you get infinite money that she had to fix. She's pretty slow with everything else.
    Maybe other Pokemon forums have some nice features, but I will always believe that our ASB system is top of the line.

    Negrek is the ASB head, so everything is kind of piled on her. And she has battled with blazheirio889, so it's accurate. I think.
    Like you used the ASB panel, it used to simply be several threads. Now it's this whole interactive panel. But it still has several bugs and is still very rickety.

    I should go remind Negrek when she gets back online...
    Half of the refs they have on the list are either inactive and haven't been here for years, or they stopped reffing without telling anyone, or they have special requirements (like I know one who only takes battles from people he's talked to.)

    We're establishing a whole new system, so the main ASB head is fixing bugs still.
    Ah. That's nice that you already know everything :D

    If I get approved, that is. I've been waiting a long time for a response.
    Yes. The trainers just issue the orders.

    And as a matter of fact, I applied to be a ref along with two of my other friends :3
    I knowwww :c

    Not really. It takes a looooong time for a ref to take your battle usually. TCoD ASB is pretty low on refs. Your main source of income will be that weekly allowance. And when people give you birthday presents.

    I only got through five paragraphs okay?

    You have to 1) battle 2) you get weekly allowance every Saturday through your profile. You click a button on Saturday and the three days after that.
    o-o very good idea. D:< WE HATE YOU ECONOMYYYYY

    Hm. When the computer crashed, it didn't lose anything but the essay itself wasn't saved. It was still "Untitled".
    How so?

    It would be cool if you ran out of notebook paper if you're handwriting it, and if you're writing it on the computer the computer crashed. I've had both happen to me and I got to postpone my essays for like two days both times 8D
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