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  • Aw, why? I' trying to tell you a nice little story about prosecutors and toilets and losings of shoeings and sayings of nonsensings and findings the shoe only to discover it is a fairyings.
    And then the shoe said hello various Ace Attorney prosecutors I am Shoedor the magic shoe fairy
    Then Franziska von Karma said o dear I'm so sorry your shoe fell in the toilet and got stuck in the toilet so you tried to get your shoe out of the toilet but you couldn't get it out of the toilet so you had to flush it down the toilet and then Godot came in and he was all "LOL" and then Klavier Gavin came in and said something Winston Payne came in and said something and then I came in and you all yelled gtfo at me
    Then Franziska von Karma was all liek Mr Miles Edgeworth where is your shoe and Edgeworth said my shoe fell in the toilet and got stuck in the toilet so I tried to get my shoe out of the toilet but I couldn't get it out of the toilet so I had to flush it down the toilet and then Godot came in and he was all "LOL" and then Klavier Gavin came in and said something and then Winston Payne came in and said something and then you came in and we all yelled gtfo at you
    And Winston Payne said I'm sorry to hear your shoe fell in the toilet and got stuck in the toilet so you tried to get your shoe out of the toilet but you couldn't get it out of the toilet so you had to flush it down the toilet and then Godot came in and he was all "LOL" and then Klavier Gavin came in and said something

    Then Franziska von Karma came in and they were all "WTF this is the guys toilet gtfo"
    And Klavier Gavin said I'm sorry to hear your shoe fell in the toilet and got stuck in the toilet so you tried to get your shoe out of the toilet but you couldn't get it out of the toilet so you had to flush it down the toilet and then Godot came in and he was all "LOL"

    Then Winston Payne came in and said something and Edgeworth said help Payne my shoe fell in the toilet and got stuck in the toilet so I tried to get my shoe out of the toilet but I couldn't get it out of the toilet so I had to flush it down the toilet and then Godot came in and he was all "LOL" and then Klavier Gavin came in and said something
    And Godot said I'm sorry to hear your shoe fell in the toilet and got stuck in the toilet so you tried to get your shoe out of the toilet but you couldn't get it out of the toilet so you had to flush it down the toilet and then I came in and I was all "LOL"

    Then Klavier Gavin came in and said something and Edgeworth said help Gavin my shoe fell in the toilet and got stuck in the toilet so I tried to get my shoe out of the toilet but I couldn't get it out of the toilet so I had to flush it down the toilet and then Godot came in and he was all "LOL"
    Then Edgeworth said help Godot my shoe fell in the toilet and got stuck in the toilet so I tried to get my shoe out of the toilet but I couldn't get it out of the toilet so I had to flush it down the toilet and then you came in and you were all "LOL"
    He's vibrating because there's an earthquake.

    Edgeworth's hiding in the toilet but it was shaking like real bad so he fell in the toilet and now his shoe is stuck in the toilet so he tried to get his shoe out of the toilet but he couldn't get it out of the toilet so he had to flush it down the toilet.

    Then Godot came in and he was all "LOL"
    I think with Mike's pictures, you're down to four. I'm around there too. It's sometimes a nice thing to lack sanity. Especially when you get dragged into 20 people conversations on MSN... XP
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