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  • It took me a matter of seconds to register that. ^^

    Video games hate me a lot lately.

    Brawl stopped working properly two dys ago. D:
    He did?

    I haven't seen him in quite a while, since one of my games is a piece of crap and the other got lost.
    I wish I could.



    ...Don't ask.
    Labelle. ^^

    And then there's Kicks, who shines your shoes, and the marquee, featuring Doctor Shrunk.

    But the scariest thing is the ACTUAL Happy Room Academy.

    You can tell something's up involving everyone's favorite insurance agent when the letter from the Happy Room Academy says, "BANG." at the end. o.o
    Yep, a bucket.

    Yeah, he's on the GC version (and Tag Mode on Wild World, if you've ever used it. ^^).

    He's a blue cat.

    And Gracie got a store. They have horribly expensive stuff. (Like a blue argyle top selling for 4800 Bells. Which I bought. Because the friend I based my character off of wears stuff like that.) Oh, and a long-lost Able sister.

    Oh, and when Katrina reads your fortune (which can be like every day if you want cause she lives in the city. :D), a bucket lands on your head. Priceless.

    And Rover's back! ^^
    Sooooo, City Folk comes out next month for you Britsh-men. ^^

    Get the more-expensive one with the WiiSpeak thing-a-ma-bob cause I have it too. ^^
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