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Sojaveña Wilds Twilight Quarry

Ein's smug expression didn't waver, but Koa's defiance clearly irritated him. A brow rose and he drew back.

As he did, the sense of helpless dread inside Koa disintegrated as his aura surged with Radiance...

"I made a deal with him," he growled, coldly. "The sort of deal you could have ended up making, if you didn't luck into that inconvenient talisman of yours..."

The Manectric's eyes narrowed. Something was wrong.

Koa was cured of his Specimen status!
"Koa? Hey, Koa! Koa, hold on!"
Hope flared in him. The friendly voice felt like a soothing balm from the other Manectric's chilling voice, and he focused on that, blotting out all else. Still bristling, Koa gave a derisive snort as he glared at his opponent. "A deal to be a servant of a glorified egomaniac? Yeah sounds real amazing," he growled sarcastically. "Sounds like you were just too weak to cut it. You made one too many miscalculations and had to play lapdog to survive."

Free. Relief mixed with grim determination washed through him as he felt the hold loosen and fall away. It had worked, he could move again. I can take him, he told himself. I can take him. He flexed his paws. Drew on his resolve.

"Your little deal isn't going to be enough." Radiant sparks surged around Koa's body, then coalesced around his paws. In a blur of motion, he exploded towards Ein, striking hard and fast.

Koa used Radiant Mach Punch!
Ein took the hit square in the jaw, flecks of spittle flying from his mouth. He drew his lip back in a contemptuous stare.

"Obdurate brat," he spat, and wiped his muzzle with the back of a paw.

The scent of petrichor intensified, and the light dimmed further. Fat raindrops splattered against the dogs' faces, and moisture welled up into a sheen on Ein's white coat, and Koa's dampening fur. The very air thrummed with electrical charge.

"Most regrettable," he muttered. "Very well. Conventional battle it shall be. This shouldn't take long..."

The scientist's face grew cold and mirthless as he took a casting stance and began to hurl Shadow-blackened spears of lightning upon Koa.

"You think you can play upon my pride?" he mocked. "My subordinacy? You follow a leader whose face you don't even know."
What was Koa doing?

She couldn't focus on assisting him right now as much as she wanted to. She needed to help Owen and the team fighting him. Hopefully Mhynt could help Koa for the time being...

"We're not leaving you, Owen!" Grace tried to yell over the meteors. She couldn't flinch. She knew she had to keep going. Clasping her paws together once more, Astrid and Silver regained their pink glow as Grace's support reached them once again. The togetic flinched as she felt her energy leave her at the same time, but she recovered quickly. Watching Dave approach, she conjured her life dew, and lobbed healing at the mightyena.

"We're not leaving until this is over!"

Grace (150 STM, 12 TMP, +2 SPD, +0 ACC, 10 SHD, 0 RAD)
- Harmonic Soul @ Astrid and Silver (-30 STM, -2 TMP, +2 TMP) [Grace takes -25% MaxHP recoil]
- **Act:** Item (Cacnea Spike) @ Owen
- Life Dew @ Dave (-30 STM, +2 TMP)
- **Act:** Focus (+5 TMP, -20 SHD, -20 RAD)
Net change: -53 STM, +7 TMP, -10 SHD, +0 RAD
Net totals: 97 STM (134 after regen), 19 TMP, 0 SHD, 0 RAD

Koa's body spasmed as the bolts struck him. A hiss of pain escaped his jaws but he shook it off with a snarl. He refused to let the taunts get under his skin. He didn't need to see Betel face to face. "No face? Is that the best you can do?" More light, concentrated, charging through him. He was sick of the Manectric. Sick of people like him. He needed to be stopped. Time to make use of training with Shira.

He moved swiftly and confidently. A feint, feint, then sidestep into a two strike combo.

Koa used Radiant Ganbatte Soul!

Koa used Radiant Thunder Punch!

That buzz felt good... burning away his fear and doubts. Then Luz's voice rang in the back of his mind. The naked torch. How the light could burn. If he got carried away Ein's attacks were going to hurt.

He forced out a breath, loosening his grip on the light and letting some of it fade. He tried to keep a level head for whatever Ein would try to do.
Turn 3
Player Phase

Mhynt growled, disappearing and reappearing nearby before spotting Ein. She cursed. "If he gets out, he might alert Alexander to all of this," she said. Glancing at Koa, she projected a thought to him, If we attack at the same time, he might not be able to avoid us!

She Teleported near Ein and slashed him with a few cheap shots. She wasn't an honorable fighter; she was an efficient assassin. This was no different, even as she sapped the energy from the former human's hide.

Dave's Hone Claws!
Dave's AGILE Thunder Fang was blocked by Void Owen!
Dave's Thunder Fang dealt 28 damage to Void Owen! It's super effective! Paralyzed!
Dave's RADIANT Relentless Soul dealt a CRITICAL 117 damage to Void Owen! It's ultra effective!

Grace's Harmonic Soul @ Astrid and Silver!
Grace's Cacnea Spike was dodged by Void Owen!
Grace's Life Dew @ Dave!

Owen parried one of Dave's attacks only for him to rush in and go for a second strike a moment later. Snarling, Owen thrashed his tail on the ground, slamming Dave into a rocky wall--only for Grace to pick him back up.

He snarled at Grace, focusing on her briefly--only to be drawn by Nova a moment later.

Nova's Follow Me!
Nova's STRONG RADIANT Multi-Attack dealt a CRITICAL 243 damage to Void Owen! It's ultra effective!
Nova used a Healthy Orb!

That earned another great snarl, eyes focused on Nova. "Always... getting in the way..." He took labored steps forward, several wounds spilling a deep black ichor on the ground. That... wasn't blood at all. Was Owen even a Pokemon anymore?

"I'm not hiding... this is... how I've always felt! I want to fight! Kill! Obey! I finally have... meaning! I can't... go back! I can't go back to wondering if anything is okay... I just KNOW, now!"

Silver's Receive!
Silver's SHADOW Hone Claws!
Silver's Crush Claw dealt 65 damage to the meteor!
Silver's STRONG Drain Punch dealt a CRITICAL 173 damage to the meteor! It's super effective!

The meteor slammed into Owen's face, bursting and dealing 100 damage!

The meteor went flying into Owen's face mid-speech, exploding and sending him staggering backward. Astrid's followup covered him in ice, and then an Ultra Ball landed on him while he was prone. Could this be it? One shake... two shakes...!

Astrid's Receive!
Astrid's AGILE RADIANT Frost Breath dealt a CRITICAL 94 damage to Void Owen! It's ultra effective!
Astrid's RADIANT Frost Breath dealt a CRITICAL 114 damage to Void Owen! It's ultra effective!
Astrid's RADIANT Swift dealt 88 damage to Void Owen! It's ultra effective!
Astrid's Ultra Ball dealt 50 Capture damage to Owen! Narrowly escaped!
Astrid's Spotter Feat @ Void Owen!
Astrid's Interact: Spotter feat

Owen seems to be focused... on known, powerful damaging moves! He'll likely try blocking one next!

Owen broke free. His body was battered and bruised, scales bent inward and a few claws broken. They were overwhelming him. While he was large, his body was relatively flimsy. But what worried them--especially those who knew what a feral was like when really cornered--was that it didn't seem like Owen was going to stop. In fact, even if they brought him to a point where he could no longer fight... or, supposedly could no longer fight... He still wouldn't stop.

He'd fight to the death, well past where a normal Pokemon would go down. He didn't look like he was close to defeat.

It was a good thing they brought those Ultra Balls...

Owen's attention seems to be focused on Nova, with some side attention on Astrid and Silver...
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Turn 3
Enemy Phase

And then came the storm.

The lightning crashes down on the team!
Nova: 19
Grace: 21
Astrid: 55
Silver: 39
Dave: 46

Lightning blasted the earth, scorching everything around them only to leave a great ringing in everyone's ears. Gravel shrapnel cut everyone's hide, spattering fur and feather all over the rotten soil. Meteors boomed around them, sending molten rock relatively harmlessly over their heads all over the pit's edges.

And then came the swarm.

The Void Swarms are getting agitated... All four Swarms do roughly the same thing!

All Void Swarms move or remain in the Pit!

All Void Swarms expand!

All Void Swarms use a STRONG Shadow Rush (x4!)
Nova: 14 (7 Cruelty)
Grace: 28 (14 Cruelty)
Astrid: 36 (18 Cruelty) (Partly dodged)
Silver: 27 (13 Cruelty) (Partly dodged)
Dave: 76 (38 Cruelty) (KO!)

All Void Swarms use Fury Swipes x5! (For a total of x20!!)
Nova: 20
Grace: 46
Astrid: 44
Silver: 40
Dave: 66

Even when Dave, badly injured already, succumbed briefly to his injuries, the Void Shadows didn't stop. They showed no mercy. They continued to tear into him even as the golden light of his Revive prepared to bring him back from the brink. Falling here would mean death... But Mhynt seemed to have an eye on them from afar. Perhaps she'd be able to Teleport them out, in the worst of cases.

They just didn't stop. Limbs, tendrils, maws, claws. Everything and anything slammed, pummeled, tore, and bit down on anything they could find, flooding the pit in a sea of darkness and malice. A complete cacophany of darkness that would have rendered any sane, normal, mortal 'mon into nothing but another wraith in the thrall. This was the abyss that Alexander had condemned so many to.

And it was the abyss the Wayfarers had plunged into to get one of their own out.

The Void Charizard roared.

Void Owen is extremely agitated! His Umbral Stormheart covers ALL zones!
Void Owen loses an Action from being Captured...
Void Owen launches something into the sky! It modified the Meteor Storm to instead launch a single, big Meteor! It's gonna blow!

Legendary action! Void Owen uses a Strong Flamethrower on everyone!
Nova: 12 (6 Cruelty)
Grace: 26 (13 cruelty)
Astrid: 64 (32 Cruelty)
Silver: 25 (12 Cruelty)
Dave: 38 (19 Cruelty)

Void Owen uses Shadow Frost Breath on Nova and Silver for CRITICAL damage!
Nova: 30
Silver: 50

Koa! Mhynt called over the buzzing, buzzing, buzzing.

I'll distract him... They have Owen covered.

And she didn't want to face him. She was too terrified of the sight. Support. She just had to support...

We'll get rid of Alexander's informant! We can't have him warn Alexander of any details here... the swarm, I don't think they're coherent enough for what Ein could do!

Mhynt vanished. "Get ready to escape! He's getting weak!" she shouted to the others. She saw the state of affairs and looked... horrified. Could they get out in time? She glanced skyward. The lightning...! The meteor--!

"NOVA!" Mhynt cried.

A gigantic meteor (4x strength/HP!) lands directly on top of Nova, dealing a staggering... 41 damage!

Void Owen prepares Umbral Stormheart...!

"...How did... he survive that?" Mhynt whispered, but then shook her head to regain her senses. Not the time.

If not destroyed, the Big Meteor will blow up the Pit and all Descent zones for 600 Power!

Dave revives!

Mhynt hissed and sprinted back to Koa and Ein. She could Teleport over if she had to. For now... she needed to make sure Koa had a moment to take the finishing shot. She brandished her Leaf Blade at Ein, hoping a little "target fixation" trick would be enough.
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"No face? Is that the best you can do?"

"You don't merit my best," sneered Ein, as Koa's paws hit a shimmering new Protect barrier with a crntch and a sizzle. "Hypothesis: you do value faces. Shall we test that by removing yours? That ought to seed some lasting darkness in your heart..."

Shadow-corrupted electricity surged and connected with Koa. The sound was like dynamite in his ears, followed by a shrill ringing, but he withstood it...

If we attack at the same time, he might not be able to avoid us!

She Teleported near Ein and slashed him with a few cheap shots.

...and his next attacks struck true.

Ein hawked and spat a mouthful of blood, then backed off a couple yards, his eyes flicking from one opponent to the other, analysing.

"You again?" whined the Cipher admin, with a face like the Wayfarers had pissed on his laptop. "Doesn't a woman of your talents have better things to do than babysit lost pups, Mhynt?"

She brandished her Leaf Blade at Ein, hoping a little "target fixation" trick would be enough.

"If you're going to leverage your numerical advantage, perhaps I should make a tactical withdrawal," growled Ein, his Shadows surging around him to form another darkly-shimmering shield. "I will not be captured for you to question and study..."

The Manectric threw out a flurry of Shadow-tainted Swift stars, steadily backing away from the Wayfarers...
Thanks! he called to Mhynt, intent on staying focused on the Manectric. At least he didn't have to try and stop him alone. Reflexively, Koa threw up a Light Screen as Ein attacked, blocking some of the shadowy barrage and wincing as the rest cut into his fur. The sting of the shadows seemed

He bared his teeth as he saw Ein backing away and shielding himself. Running. "I have a hypothesis. You're only saying that because you couldn't beat me at your best if you wanted to," he snarled. He's not getting away. Not this time, not again. Shieldbreaking was something he knew well. And he doubted Ein was better than the Cyclone. Drawing a breath, he once again seized the light. Then he leaped forwards, paws shining, and hammered at the shield. Whatever it took to break it.

He paused. Took a breath. The buzz of the radiance made it easy to think. To act, without fear or doubt. Light, to stop the shadows. To chain the Manectric.

Golden waves of electricity surged from his body towards Ein.

Koa used Radiant Thunder Wave!
Mhynt winced and suddenly turned around again. "Owen...!" She shook her head. Thje Grovyle held her Ultra Ball a little tighter and... began running toward Owen. "We'll save you!" she cried.

She wound her arm back for a throw...

But it was all an act. She disappeared in a flash of light; an instant later, she completed her throw... from behind Ein, her true target. She only had one shot and hoped Koa weakened him enough for it to work.
Everything came in quick succession. The lightning was more annoying than anything. So were the swarms. Like a bunch of prickly needles. But the constant needling did wear at him and made it hard to think. To move. To even stay standing. Flames and frost followed after. The shadows clawing away made it hurt even more.

And then came the meteor. Nova didn't even realize it was coming until too late. It smacked into him from above, squishing him into the ashen ground.

... Then bounced off and landed on the ground between Nova and Owen. Some of the void shadows scattered.

"Haaah... haaah..."

Nova put his right foreleg on the edge of the tiny crater. Then his left. Gold and black steam rose off his legs. The swarm back off a bit.

"Is that... the best... you got?"

Nova spat ash and rock onto the ground.

"I didn't... hear... a fucking bell. Guess it's... my turn..."

His thoughts were abuzz with radiance and shadows. It was like his lone reviver emboldened him... or gave him a death wish. It didn't matter.

Silver! Hit the meteor like last time! I'll take it from there! He staggered over toward the meteor. One cheek bolt sparked with radiance. The other smoldered with shadows. Grace, get ready with that ball!

He reached the meteor. A golden wheel projected around his torso., turning to radiant light that brightened his already golden talons.

"If you... want to obey... so bad... then CATCH!"

Nova (61 STM, 15 TMP, +1 SPD, +0 ACC, 40 SHD, 36 RAD)
- **Act:** Item (Ether) (+60 STM)
- Rebellious Soul (-22.5 STM, +2 TMP)
- **Act:** RADIANT Focus (+5 TMP)
- STRONG RADIANT Multi-Attack @ BIG METEOR (-54 STM, +4 TMP, +36 RAD) [Calc'd from Def, aim @ Void Charizard when HP hits 0]
Net change: -12 STM, +11 TMP, +0 SHD, +36 RAD
Net totals: 49 STM (81 after regen), 26 TMP, 40 SHD, 72 RAD
Astrid (112 STM, 5 TMP, +2 SPD, -1 ACC, 20 SHD, 64 RAD)
- **Act:** Focus (+5 TMP, -20 SHD, -30 RAD)
- RADIANT Swift @ All Swarms (ACTIVATE: Sure Hit) (-14 STM, +2 TMP, +14 RAD)
- AGILE CRITICAL RADIANT Frost Breath @ Void Swarm NW (-15 STM, -4 TMP, +2 TMP, +10 RAD)
- CRITICAL RADIANT Frost Breath @ Void Swarm NE (ACTIVATE: Sure Hit) (-10 STM, +2 TMP, +10 RAD)
- RADIANT Draining Kiss @ Void Swarm SW (-9 STM, -5 TMP, +2 TMP, +9 RAD)
Net change: -42 STM, +4 TMP, -20 SHD, +13 RAD
Net totals: 70 STM (106 after regen), 9 TMP, 0 SHD, 77 RAD
Use Celebi’s Onion Relic

1. Dave
2. Silver
3. Nova
4. Astrid
5. Grace
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[Flavor coming ASAP, too busy!]

Silver (106 STM, 18 TMP, +0 SPD, +6 ACC, 53 SHD, 46 RAD)
- **Act:** Item (Ether) (+60 STM)
- Crush Claw @ Beeg Ronk (ACTIVATE: effect, Hex Maniac) (-16 STM, -2 TMP, +10 TMP)
- AGILE CRITICAL Drain Punch @ Beeg Ronk (-25.5 STM, -20 TMP, +9 TMP)
- **Act:** Focus (+5 TMP, -20 SHD, -20 RAD)
- CRITICAL Drain Punch @ Beeg Ronk (-17 STM, -20 TMP, +9 TMP)
Net change: +1 STM, -9 TMP, -20 SHD, -20 RAD
Net totals: 107 STM (148 after regen), 9 TMP, 33 SHD, 26 RAD
Dave awoke with his head spinning, fur smoking and matted with blood. Forget his shoulder; his entire skin felt burnt through and shredded with deep lacerations.

How the fuck was he still breathing. At least let him just stay unconscious and wake up at Dr. Drungfield's, instead of having to be here feeling this.

Hang on. Wasn't Koa in trouble? He forced his eyes open, squinting in Koa's direction - just as the kid hit Ein with bursts of Radiance and the Manectric disappeared into an Ultra Ball thrown by Mhynt. Okay. He slumped back down.

Except no, Owen was still there. They had to get Owen. Had to paralyze him. Somehow. Despite being half-fucking dead.

He didn't even say anything, but a gentle pulse of liquid light emanated from the Togetic, and it didn't exactly make him feel much more alive but maybe he was no longer bleeding, he supposed. Sure. He'd take what he could fucking get.

"Thanks," he muttered. He dragged himself to his feet with a positively heroic effort, just in time to see the massive fucking meteor Owen was summoning straight towards them.

"Fuck!" he snarled. Never a fucking moment of peace.

Somehow, he managed to put on speed, race at Owen with a Thunder Fang, and then charge at the meteor. Everything finally, blissfully melted into cold, unyielding metal, enough to stop his entire being hurting for just a few seconds. Someone should frame his fucking willpower and put it in a goddamn museum.

Dave (138 STM, 16 TMP, +1 SPD, +1 ACC, 30 SHD, 27 RAD)
- Hone Claws (-18 STM, +2 TMP)
- Thunder Fang @ Void Owen (ACTIVATE: effect) (-16 STM, -10 TMP, +2 TMP) [Paralyze Owen]
- Rock Smash @ Meteor (ACTIVATE: effect, Hex Adept) (-11 STM, -3 TMP, +4 TMP)
- STRONG CRITICAL Relentless Soul @ Meteor (-45 STM, -6 TMP, +6 TMP)
Net change: -85 STM, -5 TMP, +0 SHD, +0 RAD
Net totals: 53 STM (53 after regen), 11 TMP, 30 SHD, 27 RAD
Things were turning grim, but Grace wasn't ready to give up. She recognised the light of a reviver seed that helped Dave get back on his feet, and she saw her allies weren't looking much better themselves. Heck, she was feeling roughed up, too. Through it all, she managed to keep the Shadows from affecting her too much by keeping her cool and honing her mind. She had to focus!

She summoned another life dew, tossing it at Dave once again. "We're close, just hang in there!" she called to him.

"Grace, get ready with that ball!"

She heard Nova's call over everything, and she nodded her head. Grace dug through her satchel and found the odd-feeling sphere touch her paw. Holding it firmly, she pulled it out and stared up at the towering Owen. He... had to be weak enough now, right?

"It's almost over Owen, we're going to save you!" she cried, grasping the ball and charging the charizard like she's seen Astrid do before. She wasn't sure if her throws were good enough. "Please, stay inside for your own good!" and she pushed the button against his belly.

Grace (134 STM, 19 TMP, +2 SPD, +0 ACC, 20 SHD, 0 RAD)
- **Act:** Focus (+5 TMP, -20 SHD, -20 RAD)
- Metronome (Wide Guard) (-43 STM, -10 TMP, +2 TMP)
- Life Dew @ Dave (-30 STM, +2 TMP)
- **Act:** Item (Cacnea Spike) @ Owen [Ultra Ball, go!]
Net change: -64 STM, -1 TMP, -20 SHD, +0 RAD
Net totals: 70 STM (107 after regen), 18 TMP, 0 SHD, 0 RAD

Turn 4
Player Phase

Dave's Hone Claws!
Dave's Thunder Fang dealt 17 damage to Void Owen! Paralyzed!
Dave's Rock Smash dealt 15 damage to the meteor! Defense -1!
Dave's STRONG Relentless Soul dealt a CRITICAL 84 damage to the meteor!
Silver used an Ether!
Silver's Crush Claw dealt 51 damage to the meteor! It's not very effective...
Silver's AGILE Drain Punch dealt a CRITICAL 108 damage to the meteor! It's super effective!
Silver's Drain Punch dealt a CRITICAL 142 damage to the meteor! It's super effective!
Nova used an Ether!
Nova's Rebellious Soul!
Nova's STRONG RADIANT Multi-Attack dealt 208 damage to the meteor! It's super effective!

The response was coordinated and without hesitation. Upon seeing the greatest threat to them yet, the Wayfarers rose up and struck the meteor back with full force, sending it hurtling through the air for its short flight until it slammed into Owen's chest. Light spilled out of cracks in the meteor as Owen went toppling, and then came an eruption of explosions that sent wraith ichor spattering all over the ground. Owen, severely injured at this point, lay on his back, wordlessly snarling as he rolled to get onto his feet again. He'd dropped something on the ground and hastily picked it up.

The meteor is blasted into Owen's torso and it explodes cacophonously! 400 damage dealt!

Astrid's RADIANT Swift dealt 68 damage to all Void Swarms! SE is dissipated! It's ultra effective!
Astrid's AGILE RADIANT Frost Breath dealt a CRITICAL 127 damage to Void Swarm NW! It's ultra effective! Dissipated!
Astrid's RADIANT Frost Breath dealt a CRITICAL 161 damage to Void Swarm NE! It's ultra effective! Dissipated!
Astrid's RADIANT Draining Kiss dealt 114 damage to Void Swarm SW! It's ultra effective! Dissipated!

Grace's Wide Guard!
Grace's Life Dew @ Dave!
Grace's Cacnea Spike dealt 0 damage to Void Owen, dealing 30 capture damage! And... Owen is CAPTURED!

Amid the explosions, Astrid sniped countless heads in the swarm and beat back whole waves of them with precisely aimed Radiant stars. The pit was nearly empty, but the clouds above swirled ominously. Just as Grace lobbed her Ultra Ball at Owen's prone form, the lightning struck. Metronome's light swirled around them, forming a great dome over the entire pit...!

Turn 4
Enemy Phase

Stormheart strikes, landing on the Wayfarers! Wide Guard dampens the attack!
Astrid: 20
Dave: 24
Grace: 8
Nova: 9
Silver: 16

The Swarms are all stunned and recover to full HP, but can't do anything else...

Thunder boomed and danced, forming cracks along the Wide Guard barrier. A ring of scorch marks drew out the fate that the Wayfarers had avoided from another potential volley of attacks. with Owen Captured, it seemed like the meteors had also paused in their fall...


For a single, surreal instant, nothing made noise. The swarms had been downed. The lightning was still dissipating. Not even the wind blew.


Owen didn't escape.

But they were still surrounded. In that brief and deafening silence, as Ein had fallen into the ball, his fate still unknown, Mhynt heard the click all the way from outside the pit. She cried, "Let's move, NOW!"
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Despite the exhaustion and maelstrom of radiance and shadows swirling inside him, Nova's inner dog made his head snap up at Mhynt's cry.


Ball had caught.

It was time to fetch ball.

And time to leave.

Nova scrambled through the writhing swarms, producing the Escape Orb he was very glad he brought. He scooped the ultra ball up in his beak and shattered the orb. Its light instantly brought him to the south end of the valley, where he began to scramble for the exit.

Nova (81 STM, 26 TMP, +1 SPD, +0 ACC, 50 SHD, 72 RAD)
- Focus (Breather) (+5 TMP, -20 SHD, -20 RAD)
- Interact @ Grab ultra ball (-3 TMP)
- **Act:** Item (Escape Orb) to S Edge
- Walk to Escape Point
Net change: +0 STM, +1 TMP, -20 SHD, -20 RAD
Net totals: 81 STM (130 after regen), 27 TMP, 30 SHD, 52 RAD
She'd already seen it a few times, but part of Grace still couldn't believe that these things worked.

Just how did a little ball contain something so large?

Nova had plucked it from the ground before she could-- she'd been gawking at the fact that it had worked.

...Had they done it? Was it too early to celebrate?

Grace smiled brightly and searched her satchel for her escape orb. "Alright guys, let's get out! Now! We don't want to be here when Alexander gets back or the wraiths wake up! I'll patch us back up once we're safe."

She broke the orb and teleported, and Grace was quick to join Nova.

Grace (107 STM, 18 TMP, +2 SPD, +0 ACC, 10 SHD, 0 RAD)
- **Act:** Item (Escape Orb) to SE Edge
- **Act:** Dash to Escape Point (-2 TMP)
Net change: +0 STM, -2 TMP, +0 SHD, +0 RAD
Net totals: 107 STM (144 after regen), 16 TMP, 10 SHD, 0 RAD
It was definitive. They had Owen.

As the Swarms graduated from afterthought to primary focus, they crumbled under the increased pressure. The others made quick work of the meteor like it were a crumb—Astrid caught a glimpse looking behind her, and for the first time got to see just how powerful they’d all become. What civilians and regular ‘mon saw. How they really could walk into places like this and re-kidnap people.

Astrid’s brain fizzed and fumbled along the merciless edge of a Radiance accident. The margins of disaster felt… unnaturally stable. Uncomfortably comfortable.

But Alexander. He was a sobering enough thought to snap her out of her trance.

"Nice!" Astrid managed as Nova scooped out the ball and warped to the quarry’s edge. She pawed idly at her bag, then frowned as the void goo and nightmares and whatnot began their dance again. With Owen and the meteors out of the picture, it seemed almost like theatre.

"Listen. I have a reviver anyway, so why bother," she argued with the horde, definitely getting drowned out by their chaotic buzz. She cut through them with blasts of crystallized Radiance and leapt from layer to layer until she was running along with the others.

Astrid (106 STM, 9 TMP, +2 SPD, -1 ACC, 0 SHD, 77 RAD)
- Walk to SE Descent
- **Act:** Focus (+5 TMP, -20 SHD, -30 RAD)
- **Act:** Item (Gravelerock) @ Void Swarm NE [x2 Fast Draw]
- Dash to S Edge (-2 TMP)
- AGILE CRITICAL RADIANT Frost Breath @ Void Swarm SE (-15 STM, -4 TMP, +2 TMP, +10 RAD)
- RADIANT Draining Kiss @ Void Swarm SE (-9 STM, -2 TMP, +2 TMP, +9 RAD)
- CRITICAL RADIANT Frost Breath @ Void Swarm SW (ACTIVATE: Sure Hit) (-10 STM, +2 TMP, +10 RAD)
- Interact @ these posers (-3 TMP) [hit the quan]
Net change: -30 STM, +0 TMP, +0 SHD, -1 RAD
Net totals: 76 STM (112 after regen), 9 TMP, 0 SHD, 76 RAD
They did it. Owen had been successfully caught. So, as some people would say, mission accomplished!

Golden lights shone amidst the darkness, curtesy of gleams of Radiance and the lights of Escape Orbs. Once Silver caught his breath, he rummaged into his bag, ready to follow suit with his… his…

His eyes widened. W-Where the heck was his Escape Orb?! He should have packed one, just as he had been recommended, and… wait… did he actually bring one? He couldn’t have simply forgotten or lost it, right?! He always had Escape Ropes with him, even back home, so how…?

The growls from the reassembling shadows grew louder. Now panicky, Silver dumped all his items on the floor, desperate to get out. Dread sank to the bottom of his stomach just as the last item fell out of his bag. Berries, seeds, an empty elixir… but no orb. There was… no Escape Orb. No… escape…

Silver felt his throat tighten, his breathing quickening and his heart hammering wildly in his chest. There was only one proper way to respond to that situation, “…Shit.”

Screw that stupid orb! He was gonna claw his way out of that hellish pit, instead! Instinctively, Silver dug his claws into the hard rock to try to haul himself out of the pit. He was a mountain Sneasel, dammit! He had to do it! He couldn’t afford to not do it…


But he was too weak. His muscles protested as the stabbing pain from whatever curse those shadows placed to his aura shot through his body, and he fell back into the pit. Too weak. He was too weak.

Silver yelled in frustration and punched a hole into the rocky cliff, then he turned back to the wave of darkness. A blazing fury burned inside his body, aimed at both at himself and the darkness, clouding his anxiety.

“I might be stuck down here…” he snarled, holding out his claws defensively. Golden and black aura swirled around his body. “But I’m not gonna go down without a fight!”

At least I can buy some extra time so the others can escape…

That’s what a hero does, right?
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