• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

    Guests are not able to post messages or even read certain areas of the forums. Now, that's boring, don't you think? Registration, on the other hand, is simple, completely free of charge, and does not require you to give out any personal information at all. As soon as you register, you can take part in some of the happy fun things at the forums such as posting messages, voting in polls, sending private messages to people and being told that this is where we drink tea and eat cod.

    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Is there anyone else still here?

In the sense that there are people who still post on the forums, I mean. There seems to be some "hidden" subsection dedicated to some roleplaying game that at least a decent number of people play, but I'm disregarding that since it doesn't seem like anyone can access it unless you sign up for it, and the people that post there don't seem to be active on the main forum. I was last active here on another account around a decade ago if memory serves me right, and while I'll spare you the details of that time period and what that account was called for a multitude of reasons... this place has changed a lot since then.

What happened while I was gone? Where did everyone go? Negrek? Altissimo? I Liek Squirtles? Music Dragon? Mienshao/Odyssey? I can understand people moving on from old hangouts over the years, but I find it odd that there seemingly hasn't been a new batch of active users since then, discounting Marillyn.
some of us are here do not worry!

and aw -- i remember every person you named ... a few of them have fully moved on/i'm not in contact with them at all. unfortunately, i think much of the forum age has died, but i find it hard not to keep hanging around here out of habit.

your profile says it was only created in 2022. did you have an older account/username before?
some of us are here do not worry!

and aw -- i remember every person you named ... a few of them have fully moved on/i'm not in contact with them at all. unfortunately, i think much of the forum age has died, but i find it hard not to keep hanging around here out of habit.

your profile says it was only created in 2022. did you have an older account/username before?
Oh hey, Mewtini! I'm kinda surprised I didn't bring you up in my initial post, same with Zero Moment. God, the memories are really starting to flood back to be now.

Damn... that sucks, and even then that's an understatement given the history this place has. It deserves better than to slowly die out. I can't blame you or any of the others that are left for still coming back, though, if there's one thing I distinctly remember about this place it was how tight-knit it was.

Oh, yeah, I did from around 2013 or 2014, back when I was 14/15... I prefer not to talk about those days, though. But if you really want to know, I think it had "Flygon" somewhere in it.
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Still here as well! Been lurking for the past few months, but I love getting to see old and new faces alike. I've had some contact with a few peeps recently, and it's always so nice getting to reconnect like "!!! I remember you!!!!"
I just joined now. Admittedly, it was because I wanted help solving the site crossword, but I may well do other things here as well. And even if this forum isn’t as active as it used to be, I want it to stay alive.
Still here as well! Been lurking for the past few months, but I love getting to see old and new faces alike. I've had some contact with a few peeps recently, and it's always so nice getting to reconnect like "!!! I remember you!!!!"
OH MY GODDDDD i was thinking about you!! skylar and i were literally talking about you the other day!!
Oh hey, Mewtini! I'm kinda surprised I didn't bring you up in my initial post, same with Zero Moment.
the fact that you remember me is making me genuinely emotional

ZM played mafia with us recently actually (well, within the last couple years)
Still here as well! Been lurking for the past few months, but I love getting to see old and new faces alike. I've had some contact with a few peeps recently, and it's always so nice getting to reconnect like "!!! I remember you!!!!"
OH MY GODDDDD i was thinking about you!! skylar and i were literally talking about you the other day!!
Ahhhh that's so cool what the heck!!! That's genuinely made my night sgjslfhsl, I always remembered you being super rad mewtini, and I'm glad to see that hasn't changed!!
I'm here too, but for likewise reasons of lack of activity on the forum (aside from the RPG thing that I'm not involved in) it's hard for me to stay motivated to frequent here. It seems like there are almost no forums active anymore, and it's really depressing. I still prefer them as a way to meet people and talk about stuff as opposed to the "modern" alternatives such as Discord or social media giants like Twitter or Instagram. They're too cluttered and noisy for my tastes.
I'm here too, but for likewise reasons of lack of activity on the forum (aside from the RPG thing that I'm not involved in) it's hard for me to stay motivated to frequent here. It seems like there are almost no forums active anymore, and it's really depressing. I still prefer them as a way to meet people and talk about stuff as opposed to the "modern" alternatives such as Discord or social media giants like Twitter or Instagram. They're too cluttered and noisy for my tastes.
Discord... I'll never understand why people are trying to use that as a replacement for forums when they were designed for two different forms of communication and Discord lacks many of the features a typical forum has in general. It's a damn chat program. To my knowledge you can't create individual threads about a certain topic, and if whatever you're trying to discuss isn't immediately popular (see: still on screen) then it can and will inevitably be lost in a sea of unrelated posts. And more often than not, if a server doesn't have a containment channel for it or a rule against it, those posts will be shitposts and/or unfunny memes.

Anyway, sorry for the rant there. If forums are genuinely dying all over the internet then... God, that's sad.
I'm here too, but for likewise reasons of lack of activity on the forum (aside from the RPG thing that I'm not involved in) it's hard for me to stay motivated to frequent here. It seems like there are almost no forums active anymore, and it's really depressing. I still prefer them as a way to meet people and talk about stuff as opposed to the "modern" alternatives such as Discord or social media giants like Twitter or Instagram. They're too cluttered and noisy for my tastes.
Discord... I'll never understand why people are trying to use that as a replacement for forums when they were designed for two different forms of communication and Discord lacks many of the features a typical forum has in general. It's a damn chat program. To my knowledge you can't create individual threads about a certain topic, and if whatever you're trying to discuss isn't immediately popular (see: still on screen) then it can and will inevitably be lost in a sea of unrelated posts. And more often than not, if a server doesn't have a containment channel for it or a rule against it, those posts will be shitposts and/or unfunny memes.

Anyway, sorry for the rant there. If forums are genuinely dying all over the internet then... God, that's sad.
Seriously. I see Discord as essentially a modern counterpart to those IM chat rooms on AOL way back when. Fine for casual chatting or roleplay, but definitely not an alternative to the kind of topic-based discussions you get with forums. Discord does seem to have a threading system, but in my opinion it's still an overall poor replacement and feels like a downgrade to what was commonly used before. I feel the same way about the big social medias. I remember when MySpace became all big, and then Facebook came in way bigger, and then Tumblr and Twitter, and everyone and their dog were (and still are) expected to partake in those sites and their communities. I've tried hopping in on it before but I really just don't see the appeal and why people think they're so great. They're incredibly drama-infested and just overall really boring to me. Througout the years I've mostly just continued to hang out on the sites I've found more fun and interesting, but one by one they've been either getting shut down, going empty or changed for the worse to try to fit in with the modern trends. I really wish there were more options out there for people with diverse interests and we didn't feel forced to give up what we enjoy just for the sake of "keeping up with the times".

and don't worry, friend. We shall rant together! ^o^ /
i'll try my damnedest! i signed up today because i've been using TCoD for forever now but only today realised that there's a forum. it's a crying shame that forums are a dying breed :-(
Discord... I'll never understand why people are trying to use that as a replacement for forums when they were designed for two different forms of communication and Discord lacks many of the features a typical forum has in general. It's a damn chat program.
the thing is that people are trying to use it as a forum replacement because discord forces that on its userbase with all of its forumesque features. it might be a stretch but i'm inclined to believe that this is intentional -- that they want to kill forums -- for the sake of their own personal gain. they want money and they'll do everything to do it, even if it means erasing some of the most personally touching and fascinating parts of the internet. it's disgusting
Anyway, sorry for the rant there. If forums are genuinely dying all over the internet then... God, that's sad.
hey, don't apologise for being right. it's awful that big companies like this are doing this stuff because they want a monopoly on basic human communication

re: we shall rant together!
Reddit has some responsibility for killing forums too, although discord is worse because it's not indexed by search engines. Back in the day you could google something hobbyist like game modding and find a guide written on a forum that's viewable on the open web. These days all those forums just point towards a discord community, so once discord goes down it's lost forever without any wayback machine archives (and searching on discord is a pain, too).
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Reddit has some responsibility for killing forums too, although discord is worse because it's not indexed by search engines. Back in the day you could google some hobbyist like game modding and find a guide written on a forum that's viewable on the open web. These days all those forums just point towards a discord community, so one discord goes down it's lost forever without any wayback machine archives (and searching on discord is a pain, too).
This. There are still forum posts from 10-20 years ago that can help answer some questions even now, and can be found with a quick Google search, that is if the forum is lucky enough to still be around. But we're in the future now, why should something so simple be harder to do?
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