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Is there anyone else still here?


New member
In the sense that there are people who still post on the forums, I mean. There seems to be some "hidden" subsection dedicated to some roleplaying game that at least a decent number of people play, but I'm disregarding that since it doesn't seem like anyone can access it unless you sign up for it, and the people that post there don't seem to be active on the main forum. I was last active here on another account around a decade ago if memory serves me right, and while I'll spare you the details of that time period and what that account was called for a multitude of reasons... this place has changed a lot since then.

What happened while I was gone? Where did everyone go? Negrek? Altissimo? I Liek Squirtles? Music Dragon? Mienshao/Odyssey? I can understand people moving on from old hangouts over the years, but I find it odd that there seemingly hasn't been a new batch of active users since then, discounting Marillyn.
some of us are here do not worry!

and aw -- i remember every person you named ... a few of them have fully moved on/i'm not in contact with them at all. unfortunately, i think much of the forum age has died, but i find it hard not to keep hanging around here out of habit.

your profile says it was only created in 2022. did you have an older account/username before?
some of us are here do not worry!

and aw -- i remember every person you named ... a few of them have fully moved on/i'm not in contact with them at all. unfortunately, i think much of the forum age has died, but i find it hard not to keep hanging around here out of habit.

your profile says it was only created in 2022. did you have an older account/username before?
Oh hey, Mewtini! I'm kinda surprised I didn't bring you up in my initial post, same with Zero Moment. God, the memories are really starting to flood back to be now.

Damn... that sucks, and even then that's an understatement given the history this place has. It deserves better than to slowly die out. I can't blame you or any of the others that are left for still coming back, though, if there's one thing I distinctly remember about this place it was how tight-knit it was.

Oh, yeah, I did from around 2013 or 2014, back when I was 14/15... I prefer not to talk about those days, though. But if you really want to know, I think it had "Flygon" somewhere in it.
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Still here as well! Been lurking for the past few months, but I love getting to see old and new faces alike. I've had some contact with a few peeps recently, and it's always so nice getting to reconnect like "!!! I remember you!!!!"
I just joined now. Admittedly, it was because I wanted help solving the site crossword, but I may well do other things here as well. And even if this forum isn’t as active as it used to be, I want it to stay alive.
Still here as well! Been lurking for the past few months, but I love getting to see old and new faces alike. I've had some contact with a few peeps recently, and it's always so nice getting to reconnect like "!!! I remember you!!!!"
OH MY GODDDDD i was thinking about you!! skylar and i were literally talking about you the other day!!
Still here as well! Been lurking for the past few months, but I love getting to see old and new faces alike. I've had some contact with a few peeps recently, and it's always so nice getting to reconnect like "!!! I remember you!!!!"
OH MY GODDDDD i was thinking about you!! skylar and i were literally talking about you the other day!!
Ahhhh that's so cool what the heck!!! That's genuinely made my night sgjslfhsl, I always remembered you being super rad mewtini, and I'm glad to see that hasn't changed!!
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