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Magna City Shining Congress – Main Lobby

Angel laughed, less delicately this time – more like a tiny snerk. It was quite cute, coming from her small frame.

"No, sir, I'm no knight! Not even a little! There is little enough light in me that I'd be no stronger than any Bennie Bidoof, really. Besides, I'm perfectly content with my vocation, humble though it might be."

So, she was so distantly human that she had almost no special potential in battle. By implication, then, less-distant descendants had the real strength, and knights of that caliber were likely scarce.

As for her own calling, Angel wouldn't be so vain as to talk about it without being asked, but her bright smile said that she took great joy in it.
"Aw, don't be so hard yourself, now; why, I find that the ones who impress the most are the ones who rise in spite of whatever life dealt 'em," Ghaspius replied with a proud smile. "It's not 'bout birth, but life — or afterlife, y'know." The sheer confidence in his voice told all: he spoke from experience.

"Surely, there's somethin' your job that makes an impact on folks' lives, every lil' day! What is it that ya do, if you don't mind me asking?"
"Well, that's already a lot stranger that what I've got going on back home. Care to tell us more, or is it a... sore subject?"
"How dreadful! One would think you would need a summoned hero of your own if things are so dire there. Overrun with ferals, my word... Well, if it's not improper of me to ask, I have always been curious about the human world. Or, worlds, as it apparently may be?"

Kimiko shifted uncomfortably, fiddling with the... what even is this that she was holding? Some kind of... doughy roll? She eyed Andre and Angel briefly. "Let's just say... finding a solution has not been simple. Think of it like... inside a dungeon, but... it's not actually a dungeon, it's just how the world is." She shrugged. "My world, anyway. We do have... what you'd call heroes working against it."

'Knights' stood out from her speech. Was that what 'warrior' types were called in the Covenant?
"No, sir, I'm no knight! Not even a little! There is little enough light in me that I'd be no stronger than any Bennie Bidoof, really. Besides, I'm perfectly content with my vocation, humble though it might be."

The use of the word 'light' stuck out to her. So... knights were what they called Radiance-wielders? Better confirm that, to be safe. "What exactly constitutes being a knight? I've been called a few different things during my time here, but that's a new one for me."

She then listened as Ghaspius asked about the little bug's own profession, in a far more flattering manner than Kimiko would have done. The mismagius sure had a way with words. She tried to appear interested in the hopes of veering the discussion away from her ghost woes, putting on a smile and nodding along, and taking a cautious bite of her roll.
The use of the word 'light' stuck out to her. So... knights were what they called Radiance-wielders? Better confirm that, to be safe. "What exactly constitutes being a knight? I've been called a few different things during my time here, but that's a new one for me."

At this, the bespectacled Pignite from Teardrop Station—Otto—raised a cloven foreleg and piped up, "Oh, the knights are the heroes of the Covenant! It's their duty to go out into the world, using their power to help those in need and fight evil wherever it may be." He paused, looking a bit sheepish, like he hadn't meant to raise his voice so much. "Your group might not have the formal rank, but everyone still thinks of you as heroes, aha."
"My world, anyway. We do have... what you'd call heroes working against it."

Angel gave Kimiko a sympathetic, hopeful look. There was real kindness in the hoverfly's big, brown eyes; she wanted those heroes to succeed.

"Surely, there's somethin' your job that makes an impact on folks' lives, every lil' day! What is it that ya do, if you don't mind me asking?"

Angel bowed lightly, and smiled at Ghaspius.

"Oh, there really is, Ser Ghaspius! I'm an advocate for social causes. I do all sorts of things to raise awareness of societal ills and promote means of addressing them. I travel to cities and towns across the Commonweallth to speak up about poverty and sickness, for instance, or lack of education – the young need such help more than any, since they have little voice of their own. I host fundraisers, I lobby senators, and canvass for petitions... It means attending a lot of parties very like this, and being very, very polite to some very, very rich pokémon. And I can't honestly say that it's always fun. But on very, very good days, I get to cut a ribbon and open a children's hospital, or a community college, and it's worth all the palm-greasing stuff to see young pokémon feel real hope. I know that I'm blessed to have a life without any real hardship of my own, so that's why it's so important to work as hard as I can."

She smiled bravely at the Wayfarers, dipping down and up again in the air. From the way she rubbed her hands together, she felt intensely self-conscious saying all this, but even so, she was so proud of what she did. It practically blazed out of her tiny frame.
"Oh, there really is, Ser Ghaspius! I'm an advocate for social causes. I do all sorts of things to raise awareness of societal ills and promote means of addressing them. I travel to cities and towns across the Commonweallth to speak up about poverty and sickness, for instance, or lack of education – the young need such help more than any, since they have little voice of their own. I host fundraisers, I lobby senators, and canvass for petitions... It means attending a lot of parties very like this, and being very, very polite to some very, very rich pokémon. And I can't honestly say that it's always fun. But on very, very good days, I get to cut a ribbon and open a children's hospital, or a community college, and it's worth all the palm-greasing stuff to see young pokémon feel real hope. I know that I'm blessed to have a life without any real hardship of my own, so that's why it's so important to work as hard as I can."

Oh, dear. That brought the guilt back.

Why aren't you like that back home? Why aren't you using your wealth and social status for good? Why is the extent of your 'giving back' throwing some money at charities and funding your own little vigilante operation? How much good have you actually managed to accomplish doing that? Does it counteract the money you provide to the city's underbelly? You know they probably do human trafficking. You are causing more abuse than you are preventing.

Andre fought back against the thoughts. No. Now wasn't the time. He needed to focus on gathering information, making connections. He could hate himself on his own time.

"That sounds like a very noble cause," he said to Angel, covering up whatever unease might have crept on his face. It was a very noble cause - but one had to wonder if that education they provided was from a very pro-human perspective. Still, Andre doubted it was all propaganda all the time, and was genuinely glad to hear that less fortunate mon had been provided with more opportunities. "What are you working on right now?"
At this, the bespectacled Pignite from Teardrop Station—Otto—raised a cloven foreleg and piped up, "Oh, the knights are the heroes of the Covenant! It's their duty to go out into the world, using their power to help those in need and fight evil wherever it may be." He paused, looking a bit sheepish, like he hadn't meant to raise his voice so much. "Your group might not have the formal rank, but everyone still thinks of you as heroes, aha."

As the pignite answered her question, Kimiko kept her expression friendly but neutral. She wasn't sure what to feel about being compared to anyone in the Covenant, or the fact that anyone among them considered the Wayfarers heroes... then again, Angel, at least, seemed genuine. And Otto here looked as though perhaps he might have been a bit over-excited to provide an answer, given the way he shrunk ever so slightly and lowered his voice. She grinned at him. "I suppose that does sound a lot like what we do," she conceded. "And frankly, it's the least extravagant title we've been given so far, so I'm rather more inclined to accept it."

I do all sorts of things to raise awareness of societal ills and promote means of addressing them.

"Wow, good for you!" she added, now towards the ribombee. "You know, where most of us have been living, one of those grand titles people have taken to calling us is angels. But I'd say you live up to that name more than we do. It may be a different kind of work than what knights do, but heroes come in all kinds, and it sounds to me like you fit the bill."

There, that was nice and flattering, wasn't it?

In fact. Now that she'd thought about it... "Actually - and forgive me if this is crossing a boundary - Angel's a rather unusual name, given the connotations. Although maybe it doesn't mean the same thing in this part of the world... Is that your given name?" The ribombee sounded rather young, but there was no chance she was named after the Wayfarers arrived... but then, they weren't the first to be associated with the label, were they.
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The Mismagius's gems lit up one by one as a wave of genuine respect brushed over his features. He adjusted his scarf and grinned. Maybe this wasn't such a downer place after all.

"Amen to that, Angel," Ghaspius agreed with a wink at his stealth pun, "As a 'mon of medicine, it always gets to me just how much out there could be so easily treated. So much that could be so easily prevented." For a moment, his gaze wandered up towards the opulent architecture in the room.

He looked back towards the Ribombee. "S'why it's important all of us that can do somethin', well, do somethin'. 'Cause when the chips are down and dire straits come, the only things that matter are love and life, and folks that share that will receive in turn. It's just better for everyone!" He practically spun in place. "So kudos to y'all, Angel; keep fightin' the good fight; 'cause that's a battle that even knights can't win on their own!"

He nodded towards Andre's question, curious as to what she up to now. "Curious, though, love — ya find any folks in particular difficult to work with?" He added.
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"Wow, good for you!" she added, now towards the ribombee. "You know, where most of us have been living, one of those grand titles people have taken to calling us is angels. But I'd say you live up to that name more than we do. It may be a different kind of work than what knights do, but heroes come in all kinds, and it sounds to me like you fit the bill."
"Amen to that, Angel," Ghaspius agreed with a wink at his stealth pun, "As a 'mon of medicine, it always gets to me just how much out there could be so easily treated. So much that could be so easily prevented." For a moment, his gaze wandered up towards the opulent architecture in the room.

He looked back towards the Ribombee. "S'why it's important all of us that can do somethin', well, do somethin'. 'Cause when the chips are down and dire straits come, the only things that matter are love and life, and folks that share that will receive in turn. It's just better for everyone!" He practically spun in place. "So kudos to y'all, Angel; keep fightin' the good fight; 'cause that's a battle that even knights can't win on their own!"

The Ribombee laughed at Ghaspius' antics, one hand to her mouth. "I see you're full of joie de vivre, Ser! Thank you both for your kind words. Believe me, I am proud of what I do – I really do want to help make a better world. Isn't that what we're all here for?"

Her eyes followed Ghaspius' gaze towards the Congress' architecture, but if the Mismagius was implying anything about the opulence of the building, she didn't seem to catch on. She smiled, obviously comfortable in this environment.

That sounds like a very noble cause. What are you working on right now?"
He nodded towards Andre's question, curious as to what she up to now. "Curious, though, love — ya find any folks in particular difficult to work with?" He added.

Angel's smile grew coy. "Oh, are you a gossip, Ser? All politics is gossip, to tell you the truth. Politicians are always a challenge, but I try not to resent anybody. It's one thing to be miserly or generous with one's own money, and another when it's public funds you're responsible for. Nobody wants to put taxpayer dollars towards a 'war on poverty' social project that turns out to be a white wailord..."

She frowned, suddenly looking far more mature for it – and professional.

"My day-to-day work lately has mostly been to do with keeping the CWL Sanitary Commission alive. There are plenty of older 'mon with independent wealth who want to be remembered for supporting medical efforts like that. And believe me, that's great. Those 'mon in the SC do very, very good work! But my big project right now is to see to it that a public library is founded in every town in the Commonwealth. I believe that the long-term good from that could be something incredible! I'm trying to secure a warchest of private donations first, then I'll take the project to the Senate to get that matched with government funds. It would be the project of my life."

Angel tittered and looked about for a champagne flute.

"Not that my name would go on it or anything."

"Actually - and forgive me if this is crossing a boundary - Angel's a rather unusual name, given the connotations. Although maybe it doesn't mean the same thing in this part of the world... Is that your given name?"

The beefly girl giggled, and took a sip of her wine. "That's right, Ser! I'm named after my late mother. I never knew her – please, don't bother with sympathies, I had a wonderful step-momma – but my daddy tells me she was just perfect, 'like a real angel'. The connotation is the point, I think...?"

Angel pursed her mouth as she thought about this a little harder.

"I think there's maybe half a dozen 'Angels' in the society, actually? There was a boy in Outreach I had kindof a crush on until I learned we had the same name, and that was such a turn-off, ugh! It's not an uncommon name in Alexandria, but it's pretty popular in the Covenant? I guess it's like calling your kid a virtue name like 'Grace', 'Hope' or 'Justice'... or a name like 'Duke' or 'Regina'? I don't mind it, I think it's pretty, but I guess it probably seems a little odd when I'm talking to a whole bunch of real angels like you guys!"

She tittered again, flushing slightly, and drank a little more sparkling, golden wine. She might start getting pretty loose-lipped now she was comfortable, and tipsy... It must not take much to get a tiny Ribombee pretty buzzed.
Andre chuckled, mostly to appear to be in good spirits. He wasn't quite so, not with this whole jerking off of humans. "I think Angel is a fine name. My own name simply means 'man', as in, male human." Typically, anyway - sometimes it was extended to sapient mon. "At least it's from a language that my home nation or the nation I moved to doesn't speak too much, so people aren't just calling me 'guy'."

He tapped the floor with a hoof. "I do wonder, however, what you think of 'angels' that aren't such... angels."
Ghaspius bellied out a laugh. "Well, what's gossip but life with the dull bits cut out?" He remarked, "But I can imagine when folks aren't bein' forward, it ain't easy to do much. If y'all do end up following on that 'war on poverty' though, I'll volunteer for the 'front lines'!" He winked.

"My own name just means, 'gasp, here he is'!" It was hard to tell whether he was being playful or genuine. "And on your other project, maybe y'all ought to send some letters to the big library over by Scriven. I'm sure they'd have some old stuff to donate."

He hummed in thought at Andre's remark before adding, "Y'all ever think a non-human could be an 'angel'?" His tone posed it as though it were hypothetical, despite being an example.

In the midst of his monologue, Ghaspius's scarf loosened and fell to the floor with a soft thud.

A strange series of soft clangs, chimes, and a bit of rustling rang close by as an out-of-place Pokémon floated nearby: a Klefki, clad in neither fancy suit nor opulent dress, but a simple apron tied loosely around their tiny body. In place of any actual keys, however, were various bracelets, trinkets, and even a bit of jewelry. On the very bottom of the ring hung a trash bag, carefully tied to be expanded and contracted as needed, alongside a recently wet mop and bucket.

They wordlessly floated nearby, giving the floors a nice brush to keep them as crystalline as possible. On the occasion that they found a loose article that someone dropped, they would stop, pick it up, sling it on their ring along with their other collected items, and continue.

As they closed in, they gave a glance to the Wayfarers, looked down, plucked the scarf, and said, "You dropped this," in a dry echo of a voice filtered through metal. "You all the guests of honour?"
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