Angel nursed the little champagne left in her flute. "Can't h-help that I'm small," she mumbled. Of course, she
was drinking the equivalent to multiple glasses even with the smallest flute available.
As for
"Well, of
course the Order are only human, there's bound to be, um, the occasional misadventure," the Ribombee hedged, making a mollifying gesture. As much as she was a gossip, she
did respect the knights of the lantern. "But yes, my goodness, there sometimes are actual
blackguards in the ranks..."
"Blackguard" (pronounced "blaggard"): noun. One who behaves in a dishonourable or contemptible way. A dated pejorative for a scoundrel.
"...there's, um, obviously a code of conduct. They swear an oath and everything. They're not supposed to take gifts, because it's basically a bribe, right? And they vow celibacy during service, so they don't have any distractions from their duties. But still, you
do hear of, you know,
improper behaviour – finer clothes than a knight's salary can buy, slipping out at night for illicit rendezvous... I suppose you're not really asking about that, though, are you?"
Angel bit her lip, and hushed her voice further.
"I've heard a rumour that there's a lance of knights... They're deployed in Frigatespur, that is, um, on the border with the Protectorate? And they make
raids for some reason or other, and search caravans that cross the border, and nobody knows exactly what their authority for this is, or what their purpose is, but it's, um. It's
uncomfortable, you know? I'm sure there's a noble purpose to it all, but I, well. I've never liked all that 'means worth the ends' business. It
looks bad, doesn't it? If you're, um, ever down south, maybe you could pay them some mind? Tell them that the society is thinking of them, and expects them to keep an honourable bearing...?"
The Wayfarers had no plans to visit Frigatespur any time soon, but this certainly painted a picture. A small group of knights posted far away from the Covenant's small centre of operations, perhaps as a response to border tensions between the two great powers of Luctemar, acting without much supervision. Maybe they weren't doing anything wrong. Maybe they were. And civilians in the society gossiped about it disapprovingly, but were ultimately in the dark... After all, communication was slow and limited – this world didn't have widespread telegraphs, much less the internet.
"Does the existence of these kinds of members cause a lot of discord in the Covenant? If so, how do the ones in higher positions respond to it? Is straying from the ideals of the Covenant met with sanctions, or... are the knights too valuable to reprimand?"
Angel sniffed, and swallowed uncomfortably. "Well, there truly aren't enough knights. They're
supposed to be demoted or sent on penitent quests or given labours to humble them, but that hardly ever happens – one can hope that's because nobody ever messes up that bad. It would be so awful to be dishonoured like that, after all. I've heard Ser Aster get chewed out by the Grandmaster before, and I'm pretty sure she's had her salary docked and stuff like that, but that's just for being so late and disrespectful all the time. Ser Aster's kind of
feral— don't tell anyone I said that, gosh. I suppose if the lance in Frigatespur
are up to no good, and it was reported to the Grandmaster, then they might get sanctioned? B-But that's just a rumour, anyway. I admit that the worst I've seen
personally from knights is that
attitude a few of them have. Like that one Scizor girl – so
vain, and, um,
ugh, you know! Prideful?
Condescending. That's the word. Like she's
better than other people." Angel tittered nervously. "I bet a lot of people feel that way sometimes. It'd be hard not to, right? I bet even you guys feel like you, like,
know better, right?"
Knowledge, education, being chosen for a sacred mission, having good intentions, and the strength to do what you thought needed to be done. It certainly was a recipe for self-belief, at least...