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Magna City Shining Congress – Side Halls

"That's pretty cool!" Leaf said, nodding appreciatively before she caught herself. Didn't sound like they were the ones involved in kidnapping new "members", at least. (So far.) More like rangers, or bounty hunters, really. "We've arrested a couple assholes ourselves, and then some." She moved to make room for them to pass, and if maybe that new position conveniently made it easier to see the badge pinned to her poncho, well, huh, how about that. "Maybe we could swap stories! Some other time," she added quickly. "Don't wanna hold you up!"

It did actually sound like it'd be kinda cool to hear what they'd been doing. From Aster, anyway. Sounded like a waaay better storyteller. But not now. Not when they were only even in this jumped-up country club because they had a job to do.
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Koa listened to the two pokemon banter back and forth, doing his best to file away what they said in case it would be helpful somehow later. So they were both knights, but more like rangers?

"Sick! Kind of sounds like what we've tried to do. Help pokemon, apprehend those who are too strong." He didn't exactly believe it, but he could sound like he meant it. A bit of truth to every lie. If the Covenant were doing the kinds of things they'd heard, he wanted nothing to do with them. But they were here to get to know them. Pretend to join them.

He glanced at Laura, then Leaf, wondering what Laura's ploy was. Maybe gathering information. "Yeah like Leaf said, wouldn't mind hearing more stories sometime."
Ser Zaffre smiled and gave a more relaxed bow. "Let us hope we get such an opportunity, then. It would be my pleasure to spend some leave getting to know you all. Until then, fare well!"

Ser Aster nodded, and hummed her agreement with her thrumming wings. "Aight, gotta dash! This way, Meowth!"

"It's Laura!"

"This way, Laura!"

Laura ran off after the Flygon, then slowed to a brisk walk as she matched the Meowstic's pace. She'd be able to keep in touch via Betel's telepathic network, at least.

The rest of them were left with Spectrier. It didn't seem like there was anyone around to both them on the rooftop garden.
Two hundred and eighty!? Archie had to stop himself from doing a double take. Just what kind of timeline did Legendaries develop on? Unfortunately, he didn’t have much time to follow up on that line of questioning before they were joined by another two Covenant members. Archie tipped his hat in greeting to the Flygon and Meowstic, but generally kept back, and quiet, while they engaged the rest of their group. He did find himself standing a little taller and puffing out his chest when the two Pokemon described their usual jobs – hunting outlaws was his bread and butter, after all, and that made these two something approaching kindred spirits.

Before long, the two had gone, and taken Laura with them as well. That left Archie alone to chaperone the three – four? He still wasn’t sure about Spectrier – children. At least, that would be the excuse he would give if anyone asked what they were doing here. Regardless, the two Covenant members were gone, but they’d left behind and interesting little nugget of information. Now it was just a matter of phrasing the question.

“How long have you and Arthur been with the Covenant? It sounds like they keep you guys pretty busy,” Archie said. “I’m sure you guys have been all kinds of cool places, you must have all kinds of stories.”

He frowned, as if he’d only just thought of something, “Actually, Spectrier, do you know what they meant by ‘ongoing events in the north’? It sounds pretty ominous!”
And then the "knights" hurried away—finally—dragging Laura along with them—less good, whoops. She'd be okay, though. Probably it was smart anyway to have someone listening in on whatever meeting this was?

Leaf looked around now they were out of the way, double-checking that there wasn't anything relevant up here. She moved closer to the glass; if she was lucky, the view past the rooftop garden might be something interesting. "So! They seemed nice." (One of them, at least. Maybe.) "Do you know a lot of the other Covenant members?" she asked Spectrier. "I know you mostly work with Arthur, but there sure are a lot of people here, and I bet they do a lot of cool stuff." (Maybe.) "D'you ever help any of them?"
Spectrier watched the two knights hurry off, Laura along with them, then turned his attention back to the rooftop courtyard, remembering to hold the door open for the others who couldn't walk through walls. The building's ambient warmth had kept the frost at bay, even though the garden was open to the sky. In fact, the whole area felt much warmer than it ought to have—no doubt due to the Heat Rock crystals in hanging lanterns. Dark green shrubs dotted the garden, interspersed with elaborately-patterned tilework and intricately-carved statues, including a highly stylized portrayal of the Aeon twins.

"It's a lot nicer in the spring when the flowers are blooming," Spectrier said apologetically, as if embarrassed that he wasn't bringing them here at the optimal time. "Sometimes I like to pass the time by lying on the floor up here, but it would be rude to do that when there's guests. Unless you wanted to lie on the floor with me. You don't have to, though," he added quickly.

"I know you mostly work with Arthur, but there sure are a lot of people here, and I bet they do a lot of cool stuff. D'you ever help any of them?"

"Oh, um." His eyelashes swished, and he pawed at the ground with a hoof. "Usually, if I'm around people too much, I end up making them sad. Arthur says I should socialize more, but I don't want to impose on anyone." He paused for a long moment, then added, "I do like finding lost items, and delivering things that people need brought to them." With his abilities, he probably was quite good at it, even if he didn't think so.

“How long have you and Arthur been with the Covenant? It sounds like they keep you guys pretty busy,” Archie said. “I’m sure you guys have been all kinds of cool places, you must have all kinds of stories.”

"Ohh, it's been a really long time," Spectrier said lowering himself to sit on the heated tile floor. "The Covenant was small when we first met them, but it's grown a lot since then. We travel all over the east coast to a lot of official headquarters, but we haven't been to the west in a while."

So, neither Arthur nor Spectrier were involved in the Covenant's founding, if that was the case.

He frowned, as if he’d only just thought of something, “Actually, Spectrier, do you know what they meant by ‘ongoing events in the north’? It sounds pretty ominous!”

The shade horse's ears flicked toward Archie. "Oh, that... It's a pretty big deal, so there's been a lot of people talking about it. I overheard some of them." He lowered his head, sheepish at admitting to eavesdropping. "Maybe they wouldn't like it if I was spreading rumors. But Arthur did seem to like you guys a lot; he was real excited to meet you..."

So perhaps it was probably something that Arthur would have wanted the Wayferers to know anyway...
Lie... on the floor. A legendary pokémon, best friend of one of the most important-sounding guys here, a whole fancy secret society lodge full of people and research and adventure and atrocities to keep busy with, and his favorite thing to do was lie on the floor. Okay. (Leaf was not entirely convinced he was okay.)

"What'd you do before you met Arthur?" she asked. It couldn't possibly have been just lying on the floor. (It was just lying on the floor, wasn't it.) "The other Saints we've talked to always seem so busy." Busy inventing excuses to beat someone up, sometimes, sure, but close enough. "Arthur must be pretty amazing if working with him was even more exciting than that." Not that it'd take much to top what she was imagining, but... how long had Spectrier actually known him, to be this clingy?

the longest possible face said:
"Oh, that... It's a pretty big deal, so there's been a lot of people talking about it. I overheard some of them." He lowered his head, sheepish at admitting to eavesdropping. "Maybe they wouldn't like it if I was spreading rumors. But Arthur did seem to like you guys a lot; he was real excited to meet you..."

Leaf sat on the floor herself, tried to look relaxed and not like this was worth him managing to bum himself out all over again. "Looking into that stuff is part of why—" well, no, it wasn't why she was here, she didn't need these people telling her what to do "—it's part of our job! It's not spreading rumors if it's helping us do our job." She winked at him. "I bet Arthur or whoever's there is already telling Laura all about it at that meeting, so really it'd just be keeping us in the loop."
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And so the cops rangers left, much to Silver’s relief. He waved a goodbye at them and the retreating Laura, then followed the others into the garden. The warmth of the makeshift greenhouse and the dark shrubs reminded him of the walks he used to have in the Viridian Forest when he was a child, and a small smile tugged at his lips as the nostalgia rushed through him.

"Maybe they wouldn't like it if I was spreading rumors. But Arthur did seem to like you guys a lot; he was real excited to meet you..."

Silver turned back to Spectrier and quirked a brow. “Really? Arthur wanted to meet us? Huh… why’s that?” He blinked, then flashed a proud smirk. “I mean! Someone who seems a big shot ‘round here wanted to meet some fellas who fell from the sky mere months ago? That’s quite the honor!”

Silver glanced at the floor and lowered his brow, far from being interested in sprawling randomly on the floor (and dirtying his battle kimono. Like heck, it wasn’t cheap!)

The young Sneasel tapped his chin with his claws, pondering hard. It was tough to get a proper read on Spectrier: youthful-sounding despite being far older than he was, and radiating an innocent aura that probably wouldn’t fit the usual descriptions of the all-so-mighty legendary Pokémon. In a sense, Spectrier’s behavior reminded him of that Ho-Oh that kept barging his dreams — simply swap ‘rainbows and sunshine’ with ‘gloom and doom’ and they’re similar souls in vastly different bodies.

Also, Spectrier had a couple of centuries of life experience as a phantom horse — as hard as it was to believe that, considering his meek and borderline sheltered behavior — but what about before? How was his life before Arthur and the Covenant?

“Say, speaking of the past, were you always a phantom horse or d’you have a previous life?” Silver tilted his head, his feathers twitching. “I know of Saints who were born Saints and of mortals who ascended to godhood and whatnot, so what’s your deal? …If you’re fine talking about it, of course.”
"What'd you do before you met Arthur?" she asked. It couldn't possibly have been just lying on the floor. (It was just lying on the floor, wasn't it.) "The other Saints we've talked to always seem so busy." Busy inventing excuses to beat someone up, sometimes, sure, but close enough. "Arthur must be pretty amazing if working with him was even more exciting than that.

Spectrier appeared puzzled by the question, judging by the way he paused in the middle of his perfectly good lying-on-the-ground time. "We've always been together, ever since we were young. We're the same age, so we grew up together."

“Really? Arthur wanted to meet us? Huh… why’s that?” He blinked, then flashed a proud smirk. “I mean! Someone who seems a big shot ‘round here wanted to meet some fellas who fell from the sky mere months ago? That’s quite the honor!”

"You guys are the heroes of the frontier," the shade horse replied simply, sniffing at a wintercreeper shrub in the closest planter.

“Say, speaking of the past, were you always a phantom horse or d’you have a previous life? I know of Saints who were born Saints and of mortals who ascended to godhood and whatnot, so what’s your deal? …If you’re fine talking about it, of course.”

Spectrier tilted his head back to gaze skyward, lashes fluttering. "I feel like... this has always been me. I can't remember being anyone else." It took him a lot of thought to say it, though. And once he was done, he went back to sniffing at plants like nothing had happened.
As the probing small talk continued, the telepathic network crackled into activity inside the groups' heads. Laura was reporting in.

Hey guys? Arthur's at this meeting – he's, like, the one heading it? Probably the same Arthur that Spectrier told us about. Anyway, apparently he's a Hypno. Looks on the older side, about middle-aged. Impressive moustache. White suit. I get the impression he's pretty important.

So, Arthur was a Hypno?

"We've always been together, ever since we were young. We're the same age, so we grew up together."

Something seemed odd about that.

"I've been me since... a few centuries, at least. Two-hundred-eighty years? That sounds about right."

Betel themself followed up shortly after:

Hmm. Hello, heroic spirits. I know I usually don't chime in like this, but... I think I should confirm that Hypno, as a species, has a life expectancy decidedly below one century, let alone three!
Koa blinked as he processed what Spectrier had said, and then Betel's message after. "You grew up together?" he couldn't really hide the surprise in his voice. Spectrier and Arthur were the same age? And it sounded like the ghost-type hadn't ascended like Zapdos. That was odd.

"Wow thats pretty sick that you've been friends for so long!" Or at least, he hoped it was. It was hard to decide how to feel about everything still. Hearing stories about the Covenant was one thing, but it was hard to think of this strange sad horse as evil... He just sounded confused, maybe. A terrible, awful thought flickered into Koa's mind. Arthur... could he be hypnotizing Spectrier somehow? Was that even possible?

"But uh... That means Arthur is really old, right? Is he special somehow?" Surely Articuno would notice something like that...? But then, Articuno didn't even know about the whole incident with the Ark Unit. They weren't everywhere at once.

He had to try and find out more.
Beetle said:
Hmm. Hello, heroic spirits. I know I usually don't chime in like this, but... I think I should confirm that Hypno, as a species, has a life expectancy decidedly below one century, let alone three!

So... so he was old, actually? Really, really old?? Really really old but (according to Laura) didn't look a day over fifty??? How did that even work, did Forlas have cowboys and wizards or something—

just gonna casually drop that okay sure said:
"Oh, you probably mean how people call him the Verdant King."

—hm. Wait. Probably... yeah. Sure. Why not. It sure was Tuesday, wasn't it.

That was a Saint sort of title, wasn't it? It had to be. This Arthur guy sounded important, but it didn't sound like people were treating him like a literal king around here. (It didn't really sound like people were treating him like a Saint, either, but then again the way they were around Articuno wasn't exactly the same as the way others were around Zapdos or even Luz.)

"So is that what you and Arthur did before coming here? King stuff?" Leaf asked, frowning a little. Something still bugged her about this. Why would a Saint be a king, but also not really a king? (Why not throw some riddles in there while we're at it, ugh.) Back in the Wight Barrens, before they'd been attacked by Glastrier, Laura had been talking about some sort of missing ruler... "Is that why you were in Malantau before?"
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Okay, things got very weird, awkward and concerning for a good minute, and with Spectrier’s response… well, that didn’t make things any less weird — if anything, it raised even more questions — but they made a little more sense.

A Hypno who was far older than any run-of-the-mill Hypno, and a title that was very reminiscent of folks like that Wandering Light and those birds…

Silver ran a clawed hand to his kimono, feeling the soft fabric under his pelt. If Giovanni could disguise his Nidorino body with a Mewtwo’s appearance, then nothing stopped that Arthur from disguising his appearance with a more common species for some reason. Perhaps he did that to not draw attention to himself, or for some other reason he couldn’t contemplate.

Judging the gazes of his teammates, Silver could tell that they were pulling off their own mental gymnastics and reached the same conclusion.

Still, a verdant Saint. What species of legendary Pokémon were they talking about? Verdant, verdant, verdant… ah, maybe Arthur could be related to plants, like Celebi. Or maybe he was connected to fae, like that strange deer he had seen in a book once?

There was only one way to find out.

“…Y’know, this is a pretty garden. Reminds me of a forest close to my hometown,” Silver glanced at the various wild plants and flowers, then back at Spectrier. “And if your friend Arthur is the Verdant King, am I wrong to assume that he might have had a role in arranging this garden, or some botanical knowledge, at the very least?”
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“I’m sorry. It’s not fun, not being able to remember who you used to be,” he said, with a slight frown. He was, of course, speaking from experience, which lent a certain earnestness to his voice.

Still, though, something screwy was going on. Arthur was a Hypno, a middle aged one at that. And yet here was Spectrier claiming not only that he was the same age, but the two had grown up together. So, that meant one of two things. Either this Arthur was a Saint in disguise… Or he was using the hypnotic powers for which his species was named to decidedly sinister ends. ‘The Verdant King’ certainly sounded like the kind of title a Saint would have, but that didn’t necessarily prove things one way or the other.

“If Arthur’s a king, does he have a kingdom? Or is that just a figure of speech?” He asked, trying to mask the suspicion he was feeling with a more neutral curiosity.
Koa stared. Verdant King? A Saint? The title was almost familiar, but he wasn't sure if his world had one. At least, not by that title. But if this Spectrier and Glastrier was here then... Calyrex? He shifted on the floor to get more comfortable.

His thoughts whirled as the others spoke. So Arthur was in disguise somehow, or in another form? "Thats amazing... Can you tell me more about the Verdant King? Is there a reason he looks like a Hypno?"
"So is that what you and Arthur did before coming here? King stuff?" Leaf asked, frowning a little. "Is that why you were in Malantau before?"
“If Arthur’s a king, does he have a kingdom? Or is that just a figure of speech?” He asked, trying to mask the suspicion he was feeling with a more neutral curiosity.

Spectrier glanced away, holding his forelegs close to his chest. "Oh, um... It's sort of an old-fashioned name, I suppose. Kingdoms are sort of old fashioned these days, too. We did used used to live there, and it was nice, but... it ended badly. That was a long time ago. I don't really like thinking about that place." The shade horse shivered, sending a ripple through his gaseous mane.

“…Y’know, this is a pretty garden. Reminds me of a forest close to my hometown,” Silver glanced at the various wild plants and flowers, then back at Spectrier. “And if your friend Arthur is the Verdant King, am I wrong to assume that he might have had a role in arranging this garden, or some botanical knowledge, at the very least?”

Spectrier's ears flicked forward with interest. "Ohhh, that's right. He loves growing things, and I always look forward to the springtime." Given the Saint's general melancholy air, that was certainly saying something. "I especially like when he grows carrots up here."

"Thats amazing... Can you tell me more about the Verdant King? Is there a reason he looks like a Hypno?"

Spectrier tilted his head toward Koa in confusion. "Hypno? Oh, that's probably just Bobby." he replied simply, as though this explained everything somehow.
Koa sat up abruptly, staring at Spectrier, his brow furrowing. "Wha- Bobby?" he stammered. "Wait, I thought..." he trailed off as he tried to figure out what the Spectrier was talking about.

After a few moments he settled on, "Sorry it's just that we heard about a Hypno named Arthur. Who is Bobby then?"
Spectrier rolled over with the side of his face lying flat on the tile floor. "Bobby is a Hypno, not Arthur. Arthur's been ill lately, so he probably had to go to the Roundtable as Bobby. I hope he gets better soon..."

After a moment's thought, he added in a small voice: "I like Bobby. When he visits the garden, he brings cubes."
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear he's not feeling— wait." Leaf blinked down at the puddle of horse on the floor. "How can he 'be' Bobby? You can't just be a completely different person." Bobby was a different person, right? Spectrier was talking about him like he was a different person. No way even a legendary could do something like that.

She blinked again, shook her head, tried to focus. (Mostly focus. They were supposed to be asking about the Covenant, that was the only reason she'd even agreed to come here in the first place, but that place had been so weird—)

"Malantau was pretty, uh..." Scary? Seemed like a word he'd use, but not really the one she would, murder unicorn notwithstanding. The vibes that stood out more to Leaf were "cold" and "depressing" and "extremely confusing" and "really really cold". She went with "Pretty sad, yeah. Do you remember what actually happened?" She pointed her horn at the latias and latios statues perching gracefully over the garden. "We met those two while we were up there, but they said they weren't around when Malantau collapsed, and all Glastrier would say to them was 'get out'."
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