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Magna City Shining Congress – Side Halls

Spectrier's ears flicked forward with interest. "Ohhh, that's right. He loves growing things, and I always look forward to the springtime." Given the Saint's general melancholy air, that was certainly saying something. "I especially like when he grows carrots up here."

Silver nodded slowly, satisfied with the answer.

Yeah, okay, that definitely sounded like a Grass-type thing, and yet Hypno were anything but Grass-type. Were they talking about some regional variant, or—

"Bobby is a Hypno, not Arthur. Arthur's been ill lately, so he probably had to go to the Roundtable as Bobby. I hope he gets better soon..."

—oooor they were simply talking about another person altogether. Sheesh, that horse’s wandering mind was more random than a knight chess piece’s movements!

Silver followed Leaf’s direction and studied the Eon statues scattered around the garden, which stood like silent guardians protecting their little corner of paradise. He grumbled softly: countless people in Kanto had reported flocks of Latios and Latias who roamed the region and who supposedly migrated between Tohjo and Hoenn… and that darn Hibiki was one of those lucky witnesses.

How come that Johtonian kid got that privilege after traveling Kanto for only a few months while he never got a glimpse of those dragons despite living in Kanto all his life? How was that fair?

Realizing that his temper was about to flare up, Silver rerailed his thoughts toward the Forlasan Eons. They seemed to have some connection with that Glastrier, whoever she was, and so did Spectrier. His building bitterness quickly turned into inquisitiveness.

“Glastrier… Sounds like y’all didn’t have a good first impression, or last impression,” he mused, glancing at his teammates as he spoke and focusing on Spectrier when he uttered his last three words. “You said earlier that she’s scary. D’you know what’s her deal?”
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Each successive response from Spectrier only puzzled him more. Go as Bobby? Did that mean he was dressed as Bobby somehow? Was this some kind of disguise power or illusion?

"I'm sorry about Arthur," he said sincerely. "Are...Are Bobby and Arthur and you all friends? What do you mean, how... how does he go as Bobby? Is that some kind of Saint power?"
"How can he 'be' Bobby? You can't just be a completely different person."
"Are...Are Bobby and Arthur and you all friends? What do you mean, how... how does he go as Bobby? Is that some kind of Saint power?"

"He went to the meeting as Bobby. It's one of his psychic powers," Spectrier said, again speaking as though this were utterly unremarkable, no different than taking the railcar to work. "Bobby doesn't mind, they're good friends."

"Malantau was pretty, uh... Pretty sad, yeah. Do you remember what actually happened?" She pointed her horn at the latias and latios statues perching gracefully over the garden. "We met those two while we were up there, but they said they weren't around when Malantau collapsed, and all Glastrier would say to them was 'get out'."
“Glastrier… Sounds like y’all didn’t have a good first impression, or last impression. You said earlier that she’s scary. D’you know what’s her deal?”

Spectrier inclined his head toward the pair of statues. It was a highly stylized portrayal, with intricate plumage and elegantly flowing wings. "Those two stop by every now and then, but they never stay in one place long. I think they're friends with Aster and Zaffre..."

At the mention of Malantau, however, the shade horse hung his head, shivering all over. "It didn't used to be so cold and horrible there. Arthur made everything green when we lived there, but then..." He shivered again, sending ripples through his mane. "I don't like thinking about it," he moaned, his voice echoing. "Or Glastrier. She makes me feel like garbage. She's horrible..."

A strange chill hung in the air, as if the heat lamps had momentarily failed, letting the wintery Alexandrian air into the courtyard. Spectrier's voice echoed within the glass walls like a ghostly wail, his dark coat growing more and more transparent until finally, the shade horse sank clean through the tile floor and vanished from sight.

Spectrier had gone.
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