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  • You have. Though I'm not sure if I'm just comparing that to my reffing, or the fact that most of my other battles have either been dropped by the ref or take forever for the other battlers to get round to commanding.

    (Also, I just noticed we've accrued twenty-three (23) pages of entertaining conversation and I've yet to send you a friend coupon. May I do so?)
    I'm going to say suicidal. Like my taking 5 battles at once with chronic procrastination problems and loads of other stuff on my plate.
    I'd prefer a 2v2, since I don't have too many Pokemon that can survive in a volcano.

    ...okay then, so the magma constantly rises. If you touch the lava, you take 10% fire-type damage per action and recieve the burn status unless you'd be immune to the lava's effects (due to typing, Magic Guard, etc.).

    The battle takes place on rock platforms that magically hover above the ground. They break easily, and will crumble and fall if there is too much force.

    By round x (not sure when), the volcano will have overflowed and all battlers will fight on the rim of the volcano.

    Remind me of the details, would you? I can't remember anything because Kam = stupid.

    Also, this was a 2v2, right?
    Well, now that I've killed his Charmander despite threeconsecutive actions worth of parafail, I am.

    ...would you like to have a battle, or should I not even ask?
    Lunchland also carry a Dustin Prince's Sporting Equipment lunchbox. Wellington may think he got one of those by mistake, and be dissatisfied.
    The Bananaphone Lunchbox. Made from the finest delicious bananas and inedible, plasticy phones.
    In fact you wouldn't need to disregard the "the" since sometimes it just gets left out of acronyms/initials.

    And no I won't, I'll frame Daryan Crescend so he can whip everyone with his phallic hairdo before looking considerably dishevelled.
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