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  • Well, hi, the Zapdos. Yes, Sandshrews are a staple part of our diet. While we will eat just about any meat, Sandshrews happen to be the most common prey creature in our natural habitat.
    Ahh. See, I never really thought of this 'favourite Pokemon' thing until around third generation. It was just 'oh, I like these' but I never thought about which would be my absolute favourite, you know?
    In my opinion, they haven't gotten the sprite totally right since the second generation. Hell, in HGSS Typhlosion seems to lack elbows.

    I would love Charizard, too, but it seems to be getting fatter as the years go by.
    My team doesn't have a single type repetition, so weaknesses don't bunch up, but Water-types can get troublesome, as there's also a lack of grass-type moves and the only Pokémon with access to Electric-type moves is not fully evolved (not to mention x4 weak to Ground; thus, Water/Ground types are my bane).
    To be honest I have no idea why I like Typhlosion. I mean it looks more like a badger than anything and I'm not even fond of badgers. Maybe because I just loved the Crystal sprite/animation of it and it was my first Lvl 100. But I do love that fire around its neck.
    Spiky fur seems much more natural than spiky feathers.

    I'll give you that the type combination is unique and they pulled it off relatively well, but... :V
    I guess it's me being an anatomy freak. Spikiness works on Pokemon, sure (I love Jolteon, for example), but I'm not as fond of it on a bird. Makes it look rigid and more ungraceful, you knwo?
    And I had to use 30 Full Restores, 30 Revives and 6 Full Revives which were all obtained honestly.

    ... Okay, I didn't use all that much, it's the quantity I usually keep (except for the Full Revives, I have five now thanks to that match).

    And I wouldn't put it as "lucky" -- I've had to cope with three crits, two freezes and one very well-timed flinch. I guess my saving graces were my hefty load of healing items, Hypnosis and a general resistance toward Blizzard.
    I know where Oklahoma is! >:I

    Well, now it's starting to warm up here as well, hopefully most of the snow will have melted until the seventeeth. :)
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