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Crazy Linoone
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  • Well I got a new computer so it no longer crashes randomly, but for some reason my Opera tends to crash when I restart a YouTube video (problematic since I use YouTube for music...).

    THAT MEANS I AM ONE OF LIKE THREE SMART PEOPLE IN MY CLASS *sparkle* I've never tried hardcore sweeping - I've swept with unorthodox stuff with Whiscash, though. It's just that I prefer stalling the crap out of things or setting up while tanking hits instead of breaking walls and stuff like that. I've tried BW but the tiers are still pretty unstable so at the moment all my teams are invalid because something's gotten banned, or something OTL;; Stall in UU is in full swing, though.
    Well /anything/ tastes funny if you leave it out for too long xD
    That's what I do too lol. But if I really don't want it I usually dump it in my brother's bowl when they aren't looking 8D; He can eat everything rofl; he's a mountain.
    Delicious nomnomnom. My mom is extremely hardcore Asian and will rarely buy things unless we really need them or they're on discount.
    Well I've tried some fruit teas and they're actually pretty good - a bit strong, but good nonetheless. And I'll tell you... eventually, when I remember to get it OTL;;
    My Chinese isn't actually that good, but it's good enough to pass as "fluent". And idk there are a bunch of other Cantonese and Mandarin people in my classes but they never seem to be used as translators D:
    Oh, I see. The first time I had shark fin soup I thought that was just some sort of noodle.
    I'm actually not so fond of lobster. But lobster sashimi is amazing. Mmm... now I'm hungry again, and I just had dinner D:
    Well I wouldn't know about that. D: Delicious crab juice noooo maybe I should advise my mom to use that stabbing technique your mom uses?
    Wow, you seem awfully upbeat about this entire thing. xD;
    I'd trying my bally hardest, but that chainsaw appears to have sheared my arm off and severed several major arteries, don't you know.
    We should.

    MAGIKARP used Splash!
    The other MAGIKARP used Splash!
    MAGIKARP used Tackle!

    Ooh, the possibilities...

    Yeah. My teacher is easy like that. We still have to show our work, too, though. He also rarely checks the homework and automatically gives us 100% on it, but it's only maybe 10% of our grade. The rest is based on tests. I would deeply dislike a non-calculator section, though. And thanks! So I took the test and basically understood everything. It was great! However, I checked my grade online and it wasn't all that good...which is odd. I'm definitely talking to my teacher about it, because there was no way I could've gotten the low score that I did. :( My goal is to get an A next semester, especially if I don't this time.

    Oh, and great job getting an A!! :)

    It has a Pachirisu on it? That is so awesome! Who designed the shirt? I wish my school would do that, haha.

    That is an AWESOME nickname. I could call him Delicious for short! XD
    I'd do that - actually I've told myself to do that before, but I always forget OTL;; It's like saving things frequently in Photoshop. I keep forgetting to do it and then Photoshop crashes and I go FFUUUUU-

    Well gifties = nerds amiright? Except our gifty class just doesn't seem to like Pokemon. :/ And I play UU while that person played OU. I'm just not fond of OU because it's so power-driven while my preferred playstyle is balance/stall.
    Yeah, it doesn't taste like poop, but it kinda smells like it. But I've no idea if that stuff was fresh or not, so...!
    I am too shy and cannot refuse a lot of the time OTL;; It's only when they try to stuff something I don't like down my throat that I actually refuse.
    All crab is delicious. 8D And yes, keep an eye out. For the umpteenth time, it's delicious. x3
    We seem to be using the word delicious a lot. Making me kinda hungry even though I just ate dinner and feel totally bloated :x My guess is that my mom will refuse to buy goat's milk since it's expensive and there's always cow's milk, and I probably won't drink much of it once again owing to my stomach. Maybe I'll try it when I move out, or something, I dunno.
    I'd actually be skeptical of anything "Bible-inspired", haha. Kai said chamomile tea (without grapefruit, I'm assuming) is delicious (gotta find a synonym OTL;; ), though, so I still wanna try it.
    I was born in Canada 8D I can sorta-kinda write, but I've forgotten a lot. Same with reading. I can speak and listen pretty well, though. And bonus points for knowing Cantonese and Mandarin, of course. But that means I'm frequently used as a translator OTL;;
    I actually have no idea what that web-like fungi is... I always thought it was the fin itself? :/ I could be wrong but otherwise, where's the actual fin?
    I dunno, there're different ways to prepare lobster, and that might not've been actual Chinese cuisine. She didn't specify. And I have no idea if she was just imagining the shrieks or what, but hey, food is food. She said it tasted really good. 8D
    They do writhe quite a bit before the shell comes off. I've watched. :/ But loathe as I am to say it I'm a bit of a sadist so... OTL;;
    B-but Blazhy already has a boyfriend ): Make him stoppp
    That... seems to suck o.o So if it's an autoimmune disorder is there any way to treat it?
    DERPITY DERP LATE REPLY sorry my Opera crashed as I was writing the reply and I got discouraged for... well almost the entire month OTL;;

    At least people still know what you're talking about lol. I only know two Pokemon nerds well enough to talk to them, and even then I only talk to one a lot. A few new people that came into our school this year are also Pokemon nerds - apparently one of them was at the top of the Smogon OU ladder in 4th gen - but I am shy and aaa strangers scare me ):
    I love bamboo shoots x3 Mushrooms are great too. I'm okay with large pig intestines - they do taste pretty good - but you know when you put it in your mouth you get this initial whiff of what it smells like and it still smells faintly of crap? Lol that was kinda blunt but I can't think of any other way to describe it - the food itself doesn't taste like crap, no. But that initial whiff is what kinda turns me away from large pig intestine.
    OMFG I know exactly what you are talking about OTL;; One of my uncles is notorious for putting ridiculous amounts of food in your bowl. If you ask him for a spoonful of rice you'll end up with half a bowl, lol. Every time we eat with him my entire family seems to overeat OTL;;
    Well generally we have steamed egg with larger crabs - I think you're talking about blue crab here, at least. Still you should try it~ So good! You should be able to find steamed egg with crab in a lot of Asian restaurants, I think, actually.
    Yeah, my mom and I went to a supermarket sometime this month and we found it~ But damn is it expensive rofl. I'm only mildly lactose intolerant, though, and since my mom is pretty hardcore Asian she refused to buy it because it's quite a bit more expensive than regular milk.
    Yeah, my bladder did kinda give out first, and then after that it was my stomach OTL;; Speaking of tea I totally forgot to ask my mom to get me chamomile tea when we went to the supermarket ):
    I've actually been learning Mandarin since my childhood. The kindergarten I went to had the first half of the day in English and the second half in Mandarin. And then after I got out of kindergarten my mom enrolled me in Mandarin school. I've since quit because there was a tonnn of homework and my mom ended up doing most of it for me anyway, lol.
    Frankly I can't tell the difference between real and fake shark fin soup OTL;;
    Also I kinda feel sorry for the crabs now ): Reminds me of when my elementary school teacher told me about how someone cooked lobster. Apparently they just tossed them in a wok and cooked them without killing them first, and apparently lobsters can shriek... When my mom prepares crab, though, she just rips off the top shell using brute force. :D
    Also yes BLAZHYYY win many battles and make me proud :D
    Also I hope your eye's gonna be fine o.o Do you know the details of why it's dying? Sounds pretty freaky :/
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