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  • XD

    I see, I see~

    I sometimes get bored because of some threads in a standstill.
    So if you see me browsing a old thread, DON'T RAISE YOUR EYEBROW(S).
    That was what I was doing.
    *end of ramble*
    What are you doing?
    Finnick and Prim were mockinjays in the sense that they really did nothing to harm anyone else. they shouldn't have killed them. I just think they didn't want a happy ending.
    yaay... I'm sure you'll be fine.

    I'm playing the gamecube one. I just caught a shadow misdreavus.

    TG: dont go all i know the future and shit with me
    TG: wait
    TG: do you know the future
    TG: or are you just freaky good with saying stuff
    TG: i dont know which
    Yes. best book I think i've ever read. I know. it sucks.

    Oh yeah. I'm also a bit distracted by Pokemon Colloseum. and Brawl.

    TG: well
    TG: havent really thought of it
    TG: its a work in progress
    TG: i could bring a john back from the future
    TG: or i could just get him back some other way
    TG: like maybe
    TG: i dont really know
    TG: i could take all of his grist
    TG: but that would take months
    TG: this download thing is so fucking slow
    Ooh cool. I did not know that.

    Yay for reading! Have you heard of the hunger games? I can't find any.
    Oh, too bad. that's okay.

    .. yesh. and Homestuck has been distracting me a lot.

    TG:dont remind me
    TG: im going to get jon for that
    TG: he ruine my juice
    TG: i should have him killed
    TG: then ask the government for a reasearch grant
    TG: so i can find how to bring him back to life
    TG: and then kill him again
    ( okay sorry my apologies thankyou yay I caught a mafia!)

    Also we only need one more person to start ice cream mafia! :DDD
    Suppose you're right, I can get on every now and then but most of the time I'm fairly busy. Thanks.

    I will.
    The series is awesome you'll love it. I can't. I've tried.

    ooh yay

    Um... yes. Actually, all of TCoD is.

    TG: wait
    TG: you hit yourself again didnt you
    TG: hahaha
    TG: man thats hilarious
    TG: what do you think about an army
    TG: made entirely of daves
    I've already read the maximm ride books. except for Angel and Fang *adds to list* hmm... I tried reading the first warriors book, but I kinda got bored... I think i'll try reading the series again at some point. I can't find any manga. ANYWHERE I LOOK.

    Ooh, that's a good series! I've read all three (or four?)

    haven't heard of it. I guess it deserves a look.

    Ooh, another awesome book.

    Seekers... I haven't read those either. could check them out.

    bleh. I have to read huck fin before the end of the year. and the red badge of courage.

    Getting there. argh, distractions.

    TG: oh yeah
    TG: are you sleeping on the left side of your bed
    TG: if you are
    TG: take your left arm
    TG: hold it out straight
    TG: and raise it into the air very quick
    TG: just do it
    TG: i have a gut feeling
    o(what. D:)o
    ;3 That's being oblivious :3 OH. SO TODAY WAS PRETTY COOL BECAUSE THERE'S A LARGE GASH IN MY ARM NOW 8D (You're welcome :3)

    Yess. It will be awesome 8D
    Well, I'm not reading anything at the moment, but that's only because i've read almost every single one I want to. I'm currently looking for Artemis Fowl: The Atlantis Complex (I'm a HUGE fan of the series) and I Am Number Four. But, over the summer, I usually just pick up books I haven't read and read them. or reread one of my harry potter books.

    I hope so. but I need to get to work or I'll fail. I promise i'll reply later.

    TG: good.
    TG: wait did you
    TG: are you asleep
    TG: jade
    TG: dammit
    TG: jade if you can read this
    TG: um
    TG: wait dammit shes asleep
    TG: what now
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