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  • ...youwin xD
    Because I just went through a breakup and now blehh. :c /noitsfineidontmindatall


    Well, I'm not good at that because I can be a downright rude person :c
    ...Sad. :c Oh well. It's gonna be really awkward thoughh.

    ...*walks through wall again and hugs* :3

    What am I good at? :c
    It will never make sense. At least at this moment.

    (Pretty fast, I guess. Are the other sections shorter or longer than the first one?)
    ...It's basically gone which means I have school tomorroww. :c

    ...*walks through wall* :3

    Troll logic? xD Nayy. It is true that I'm not really good at anything. Therefore, I suck.
    It's so confusing. :(

    Okay then. I think I'll go read some more (how long will it take to get myself caught up?).
    Also! I'm on Act Two now, at the point you first meet Dave Strider!
    The problem wouldn't be understanding the game's structure, as I've played a game which is similar to Mafia in structure, but very much different in practice.
    I feel tempted to join Homestuck Mafia, except I've never played mafia before.
    ...It's almost all goneee D:

    Yes, you should havee. :3

    It's totally true what are you talking about.
    ...But it's melting alreadyy D:

    I'm the one who started the freerunning group I'm in xD

    Because I've been told it all my life and I just agree with it noww. :c
    Just the way it's phrased makes me reread it repeatedly. That's fair, I've still got 7 gyms before I need it unless I have her enter the story earlier, but I still need to ask Blade to do one. Which may or may not happen.
    The same goes for me.

    Yes, It is. Indeed!
    ...probably nott :c

    ...Actually I'm more of a bad influence to them xD

    It is not a lie I do suck :c
    Maybee. :D

    It would have been to me and my friends xD

    ...what lies?
    I'm gonna go do that, I think. I don't think I can get far enough to get any info before the game starts.

    I have all the roles ready! Now to PM them and stuff!
    ...good point i don't knowww D:

    Yeahh. It would have been funnier if it was but oh well.
    ...Yes. :D

    I could have? I didd. xD Slid off the roof into a big puff of snow. Didn't hurt one bit.
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