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  • Where are you at? I'm at the intermission now! And thanks, I'm just trying to be... effective? :3

    (Hopefully I will soon! ^.^)

    Really? I think I will too. Some of my friends and I decided to get one of each one, to form a triangle, and the only one I really didn't want is pokabu (I really don't like the evolution...). So I'm going to get a narwhal seal!

    But you could buy them the day it came out and get it cheaper!
    I like the gardevoir, it's just that I think a homestuck avatar might be better. But, it's your avatar. I don't mind what you do with it. (And yes, I o like the gardevoir. It's cool.)
    Which is precisely the reason I need to chug on. I can't get EVEN MORE behind!

    (Also, Jade Harley is kind of a lot like you. At least, how I imagine it. :])

    I think I'll get an oshawott. She'll have a signature move involving balloon animals, I've decided.

    Also, it's not like you need anything other than a freebie! You don't get any other bonuses, and sometimes it's more expenive!
    :D Thank you~

    I need to hurry!

    ALSO, what should my extra slot (for a ticket) be in ASB. I decided I'll just buy a woobat later. I decided I want something really expensive so that I won't spend extra money. I'm thinking either either angry snowflake man, meraruba, or maaaaaybeeee oshawott.
    :) It looks better than I thought it would as an avatar!

    Also, just finished act two~
    I need to get a new one because I need to reset because i'm using a different system. I'll get it to you tomorrow. Goodnight!
    uh-oh... when thursday? I'm available from 4:45- about 5:30, and then again from 9:30- about... 10:30, I think.
    Okay! I think I need to sort everything out and start the day, so now to count everything up!

    (That was mostly to motivate myself, I need to be productive.)

    I'm at the part where the WV is the mayor of Cantown, a little farther.
    Oh hey! You're here! Yayay!!!!! Well, there is no point in getting you to come to the party unless Blade is there...
    I think it fixed itself. But I just realized how screwed I am as far as homework. I'm sorry for not replying, and I'll try to be as active as possible in the next week... Aargh, I'm so stressed.

    Goodnight, Silvy. *hug*
    (also, you may want to read both Mewtini's intro thread and my conversation with lilijana.)
    *is hugged* c: I guess it was better for the both of uss, thoughh. /yesiamsureitsfine


    I did do that once :3 They forgave me but still xD
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