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Squornshellous Beta

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  • Hey, Squorn, in ASB, can a Pokemon under the effects of Telekinesis use Earthquake? I would think not, but in game it does.
    Can't be bothered to interpret it right now, but, well, the only thing that matters is that the teams alternate in what regards who attacks first. Some referees treat each team as a single player, and both issue commands at the same time and at whatever order they desire; some others would rather make it clear who commands when. Still, so as long as which team goes first and which goes last change with each round, it should be fine.
    I translated it to a Taunt to simplify the explanation; the idea here is being able to do nothing but attack.
    Take, for example, "Running blind through killing fields//bred to kill them all", "Bred to kill, not to care" and "left to die with only friend//Alone I clench my gun".
    Disposable Heroes you won't have any trouble figuring out from the lyrics; For Whom The Bell Tolls' effect has nothing to do with the song's actual lyrics and is actually a pun involving Heal Bell; One is sung from the point of view of someone who was sent into a coma from stepping on a landmine, which why all Pokemon are struck by an explosion and made unable to act.
    Commands technically could be given, but they'd do nothing; the only thing that would hapen would be the progressing of, well, progressive effects (e.g. the damage from a poisoning each round, or the worsening of a Toxic poisoning). If you'd like, you can stick all of the rounds respective to that bit in one reffing.

    I figured so out, as a fellow Metallica Fanboy would be able to recognize the meaning behind the effect of One. If you'd like, I can brief you on how each effect is meant to evoke each song.
    But even with they're cooked with something that makes you personally unable to consume them, they're still chips.
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