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  • L:D
    ^ Daryan Crescend

    Whoo voting fraud or something :D

    Or maybe just use German words! Flammutt sounds good for a first evolution.

    Actually this is something a petition might help since it gives Capcom an idea how much demand there really is in the west and then it might seem more worth it :O

    But I also need to think of two more German dogs to make fire puns on. (yes they must be german.)

    Blah. :c Oh well.

    :3 My current rubbishdoodle looks too much like Houndoom, though. Maybe I should make him pudgier or something.

    Yeah but have Capcom actually officially said they might not localise? Last I heard it was just a rumour.

    He loves large bananas.

    Like I said, there would invariably be a fan translation eventually, so that wouldn't be necessary unless you're impatient. :D

    (...even if you make a fire-type dog called "hottweiler")
    My apologies for not responding earlier! :O

    Aww, you're not dumb. D:

    I feel your pain. Most of the time I'm too busy to actually finish replaying even one case. I was replaying AAI the other day and I finally finished the first case in about a month. I knew what evidence o present and where to look when investigating, but I was too busy for me to play for more than a few minutes.

    *throws confetti like Gumshoe does* WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP.
    Yeah, none of them were really memorable :V Except 2-4, of course. Everybody likes 2-4. Though 2-1 does have one of the best witness freakouts!

    Eh. I think Investigations in particular just didn't sell very well, so maybe they're just wary of localising more spin-offs? I admit I wasn't keen on getting it when I heard there weren't going to be any court scenes. Or maybe Capcom's just trolling us.

    (blah I keep having ideas that are to ridiculous or cheesy to not happen so maybe I will after all. :D)
    I like AJ, but somehow it just doesn't really feel like Ace Attorney or something :/ If I had to pick a least favourite AA game it'd have to be JFA. The second and fourth cases were awesome, but Turnabout Big Top just wasn't satisfying at all and some of the music just ruins the game for me.
    If AAI2 is not translated into English I will be forced to learn Japanese specially. Or, you know, wait for the inevitable fan translation. But it seems odd to decide a game might not sell well enough to be worth it after exporting the last five games in the series so :o

    (the legendaries are especially wonderful c:
    I did consider maybe starting up a fakedex today, but then I remembered I cannot draw or sprite or have any good ideas other than making a grass-type monkey and calling it Bamboon.)
    True. But most of the excitement is in watching the case unfold. It's nowhere near as fun if you know who the real murderer is and what the big twist is and how everything really happened :c

    (and yes they totally are, I've played every game in the series at least three times \o/)

    (ALSO your fakemans are the best thing. :3)
    But that's the fun in finding out the murderer! So many people to accuse, and none of them-or all of them-seem guilty. But fabulosity is, well... fabulous!

    Asdf adorable hair sproing. <3 I'm actually replaying the fourth case. Currently in the MASON system.

    That seems like a good idea. :O
    Yes! Apollo Justice is a very suspenseful game, and personally I think that the murderers in Apollo Justice were really well-hidden/unexpected; especially the first case. I would've never guessed that the murderer would've been Kristoph. I thought it was Olga Orly for sure. >:| She seemed pretty damn suspicious to me. (Ah, why do you hate the Gavins? I like 'em, though they can get annoying at times. D:<) Hobo Phoeniiix~ :D And I think Apollo Justice had some of the best music in Ace Attorney. Pretty darn good.
    His haiiiiiiiir! I love it when he does that nervous pose and the pushes his gelled hair back, only for it to spring back up again CUTE. ;w;

    Ooh, what're you planning on doing with all those Scraggys? :o
    Oh! You like Apollo Justice? Finally, another fan of that game. So many people hate it, and I just don't know why. It wasn't the best of the Ace Attorney games, but it still wasn't the worst. I personally really loved it and ohmygod Trucy and her magic panties! Cute cute. ;w; Phoenix was pretty cool too.

    Oh, good luck! It can be hard, but you need to be like Ron and be ~*~DETERMINED~*~
    Aaaaaa I don't even have T&T. :( I only watched the walkthroughs on Youtube because my mom wasn't going to buy it for me just yet.* I need more Rondesu, anyway.

    *i have no patience.
    Oh my God don't even get me started on his face. It's just so cute. SOmeone help I'm dying over here. His cuteness + his innocence + his determination + His yelling + Hism playing with his hair = ohgodsoADORABLE. Speaking about Ron DeLite and all his cuteness, look at this aaaaaaa. She has so many Ron pictures in her gallery I die every time. </ronronron>

    I liked when he made that face when Godot told him that to be a man he has to get a guilty sentence and he was all "YES, SIR" cute.
    Asdfjlk he's my favorite villain, if you consider him one. He did get away with helping out Luke Atmey, so I don't know. :x

    BUT HE'S SO ADORABLE. I love his cinnamon bun hair. :D

    EDIT: Oh my. I just saw your signature now. I'm dying. <3
    I only managed to catch part of the Phantom Champion movie, I found it a little funny how the Zorua called Zoroark its "Mee-Mah".
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