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  • ( :((( You will learn! [url = http://www.studyspanish.com]This might help you get started...[/url] I have 3 years of spanish under my belt so if you need help I will do my bestest!!)

    yuuuus we clearly are the best couple

    (It is okay. You just got done with finals, correct? totes understand XD but you aren't stupid, you're just too smart to pay attention to them. and intelligence is an ableist concept anyway. but yeah. people call ~me~ immature when I call them out on their bullshit and it's like really? who here is preaching tolerance and acceptance, and who here is preaching shut the fuck up? yeah. ggg.

    I think I might stay for now at least~ ?w?)
    (Eres mi esposa y eres linda <3 (that means "You are my wife and you are beautiful <3))

    <3 <3 <3 (lol tonedeaf waifus 4 ever)

    (YUS YUS YUS. and yus same here. it can be incredibly horrible at times, non? I had a friend hwo is a rape survivor but has ptsd and it's triggered by graphic descriptions of rape. GUESS WHAT THEIR FAOVRITE JOKE IS Dx and same here for the sexism and pansexuality (not to mention closeted queer genderness on my end)

    and yay :D (but I might have to go because there's a big scary thunderstorm here and this laptop can't survive without the charge plug D:)

    LAAA♪ (and lol yes it is. I will make a recording if necessary to prove it (although I couldn't record until at least tomorrow))

    ( :( I WOULD BE YOUR FRIEND (well I already am but you know) :((((( and you wouldn't bore them ;~; but at least it's not making you unhappy it's just. I feel for you ;~;

    and okay. i will be counting the seconds)

    you make my heart sing <3 (thankfully my heart is not nearly as tonedeaf as my mouth)

    (<3 and oh :( but but but... oh I think you're fine in real life! not that I know you but. and if nothing else at least you're not alone in that regard. I recently made a friend because she approached me out of pity for sitting alone all the time >>;;)

    awawawawawawaawawawawawawawawawawwawa you so sweeeeet I am speeechless

    Yiiii :D *follow* (and I don think you're borong ;~; people just. haven't noticed the bit of awesomeness right in front of them. like muggles walking in front of the leaky cauldron)
    (It's like phone tag, only a billion times more infuriating. (In my defense, I was off on a Macaroni and Cheese adventure.))

    everyone's a winner :D but i wuz alwayz a winnar becauze how can i not be wiff you as my sistar and wife amirite?

    (UNRELATED: Do you haz a tumblr?)
    (I am here I am here I AM HERE)

    83 (but you can be winnar because you are AWEsOME)
    (I am here and and and you seem ~active~ :OOO!!!)

    It was pretty tiring since I'm not that fond of parties, but it was okay anyway :D
    typin' on my brand new laptop
    bought it today and am in the process of moving things from the old poopbox to this new baby
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