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  • Heyheyhey your name is Rachel, right? Well, anyway, you should meet bubblegum. She's my friend in the Regular World, and I think you two would get along quite well.
    I have a strange buch of friends. At the beginning of sixth grade, It was just my friends from my elementary school who ate lunch together. Then we invited some friends we had made, and then more, and they invited their friends, and now there must be over twenty of us. We used to take up half a bench, now we take up three, plus the ground in front and around the benches :D
    My friend and I are "swer buddies" we don't swear much, but when we do, it's often at the same time :3
    Not everyone. I have some friends who just LOVE math and the rest of us think they're insane. And I have another friend who is insanely good at math she's in my grade (seventh) and she's PAST CALCULUS. I am so not kidding. She takes Kumon.
    On a completely different note, I have a friend who has the same birthday as me who hates math, loves history, and is an obsessive doodler. JUST LIKE ME!!!
    I have another friend who sleeps the same way as me. I showed her a funny picture I drew of myself sleeping and she was, "OMG I sleep like that too!" What makes it even more funny is that we've always claimed to be "sisters"

    I got like, totally off track and I should have fininshed my maths about half an hour ago :O
    Procrastinating on home-orcs and drawing in my shiny new sketchbook :3 I hate maths *sigh*
    I just realized that I never made my own intro thread. I just posted on someone else's thread and snuck in, all neenjah-like
    Hi Flora. Long time no chat (a week without chatting is very unusual for us, yes?)
    Eh...Not really a fan of Hufflepuff's common room. Too many plants and such for my liking.
    Slytherin's get to sleep under the lake and watch the Great Squid. Which commonroom is your favorite? This page show's all of them. Mine is a te between Ravenclaw and Slytherin.
    Oh, mkay. What should I put for your nickname? I'm nicknaming everyone on my friendlist.
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