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  • *giggle* well then, I suppose they're justified in thinking that.

    ...that sounds awkward...
    Come to think of it, only three of my friends have birthdays after me. Wait no...I'm not sure...
    My birthday is on the first day of summer! I have a birthday after most of my friends though. Darn >:/
    Wow, really? I go camping at least twice every summer. Backpacking is a pain because you have to carry your stuff, but you get better views that you do car camping.
    Good enough. Pretty typical: Camping, hanging/shopping with my friends, family camp with my cousin...and texting waaaay too much :3
    I started last week -_- Supposed to be doing homework right now, actually. Meh. Overall, though, I'm quite well. How was your summer?
    Hey, just to let you know, you and several other people have yet to post in the Death Note mafia game you joined. Which you might want to do, or else you will get killed from inactivity.
    Awesome~ |3 Small world, isn't it? I didn't think I'd see someone here from around my area XD
    *laugh* Haha, indeed I do! :P Pretty much, anyway; I live there half the week and go to school there, though I also live in Bucks. But aaaa, another Philadelphian here! *hi-five* <3
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