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  • The League was never entirely about competitive play in the first place, so if it were still active you would be fine just posting in the Battle Tower anyway. At this point, though, yeah, you'd be better off trying to find opponents through some other method. There could probably be a sticky thread or something in one of the video game forums, but as I said I haven't really had time to devote to a postmortem so do whatever you like in the interim.
    The secret service is more obvious than a big red bus driving through your house.
    Character implementation is sometime difficult, especially with the legendary characters. You always feel like they should blow something up when they arrive. Mine's about a Gengar called Ink with a rather depressing past. He's entered into a competition of the strongest Pokemon in a warring nation. In the past he was assigned to a squad who were slaughtered on their thirteenth mission. Since then every squad he has been a part of has died the same way.

    Not very, but the Huntsman spider can be found in the lower two thirds of the US and everywhere south. The foot across huntsman mainly lives in Laos is south Asia.
    Yeah, they sorta failed on that one... What about their secret agents, the bulky guys with sunglasses and suits. Who wears that during the day?
    Sounds awesome. It makes me think of Palkia coming along and messing with some people, what with him being in control of space and all. But that is still an awesome storyline.

    -Meh, the biggest species of Huntsman can grow to a little over a foot across including legs. I had one of the 4 inch ones jump onto my head once, I almost wet myself when I realized that it had been a huntsman and not a branch that I had brushed off with the back of my hand.-
    I wondered why my watch fires lasers...
    Oooh, what's the main story line like? And I totally understand, I threw my shoe at the ceiling and took down a huntsman (about 5 inches including legs). There are so many of them around at this time of year >.<
    -By god, you're right. And he has a mustache!-
    It is rather interesting, yes?
    I'm feeling quite good at the moment, started another Pokemon fan fiction, mildly gruesome, although it may be. I quite like the concept behind my main character. Anything interesting happening where you are?
    -They do look like an overeager pac-man if you think about it...-
    Yes, quite. I accidentally forgot about this website due to the exams earlier this year along with a 7 week long homework assignment. But I remembered and now I'm going to semi-lurk for a while.
    How's life?
    It is effectively dead, yes; I just haven't had the time to talk with Butterfree about getting everything moved/hidden/shut down/whatever yet.

    What is it you wanted to post?
    The same for both of us x3 I've been so busy lately it's hard to keep up with this :c
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