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  • Ten stone (65 kilos). Which didn't sound a lot to me, considering the palm of my hand (fingers not included) is about the length of all the extra fat around my stomach area.
    Eh, it's just overstatement and wishful thinking ^^

    Sometimes I think if I wasn't so fat I might almost be not entirely unattractive.
    Can I just ask why exactly it's so vital that I find a partner? What's wrong with staying single forever?

    I can think of many advantages.
    Because you knew I'd own you?

    ... *kills*

    And I was expecting to be yelled at o.o Did you not read the thread I told you to?
    But look at Mike. He's spamming and is hopefully stress free. (Otherwise my theory fails.) 'ackyurit' is now one of my favourite words.
    Yep, fishkeys.

    Of course, if you don't find it/are too lazy to find it they enter their house with no problem the next morning..
    Yeah. It's kinda odd.

    Then they're like "I CAN FINALLY ENTER MY HOME here have a present."

    They end up dropping them in the river.

    I was just like, "JULIE IT'S NOT IN THE RIVER!"

    And then I caught it. o.o
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