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  • Well, it should be clear once Drizleon is under the control of the Dark Stone.....
    The Shadow Society are cloaked figures who love to lurk in darkness. They will show themselves once they have Drizleon under their control.
    Well, the beginning of the RP would be when news has came to the headquarters and the RPers must go to Isen City to investigate. They have no idea what the robbers reallly want the stone for.

    (Oh, yeah, and later in the RP, the robbers would be revealed as the Shadow Society)
    Okay, so, are we going on my idea????

    Oh yeah, to end the battle, the world gets frozen over and Flarix must renew it.
    Okay, this is my idea in a nutshell:

    Once, there was a society known as the League Masters Society which protected the Gildor Region from danger. Then one day, a robbery took place and the item stolen was the Dark Stone, a rare stone that is said to control the minds of those touching it and feeds on their desires.

    Anyways, a select group of League Masters were chosen to go on a mission to retrieve the Stone and will soon realize the robbers' intentions: to revive the two legendaries, Flarix and Drizleon, in order to bring the end of the world and remake it in their image.

    How does that sound???
    I am not very good at making RPs. Well, I have a good idea, but you should make it.
    Hey, Absol, the Apocazlyse has begun in our battle, hehehe.You woke up Drizleon and thus furthened the Cold Stare.
    Hey, Absol, things just got more exciting in our battle. I just unleashed the Ice Age Pokemon, Drizleon.
    Hey, Absol, I just solved the problem of the New Houndoom Society. I gave it to my brother, Kortex, who is hardly ever online. He accepted, but will never really get online for it. So, it is basically no more.
    The old Houndoom Society still stands.
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