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  • Right...

    Well, in the future thethree of us [including Richie] are friends. Now that certainly won't be the case when I come with my father to attack the Earth, but you'll figure out how to change that. ;)

    So, I'm here to train you, mainly because you told me that I did. Hmm... time grammar is strange :P
    Well... I'm from the future of course. Why do you think I know so many things that I shouldn't, like your dogs attacks. Did you think that was a random guess?
    It's actually better than some Saiyans do on there first time. In fact, some Saiyans have had their minds destroyed by my first lunge, which is always more powerful than any first timer would be able to handle. The second one will be easier. The first is just to find a good starting point.

    You have a strong mind, that's for sure, but it needs to be trained properly. Are you ready to go again?
    Get ready...
    *you feel a "spear" attempt to plunge into your mind; your defense breaks in three seconds*
    *the "spear" turns into "tentacles that feel like they could pick your brain apart and find your darkest secrets, but they withdraw instead*
    Simple! First we sit down in a meditative stance. Then, I want you to think of something extremely hard and solid. Let that be the only thought in your mind.
    Well, I'm thinking mental training today. You never want your enemies to break into your mind, otherwise bad things can happen. So we need to train you to defend your mind. Jessica and Harvey too, but they'll be helping you for now.
    [So... I have no idea why this didn't show up until just now >_>]
    Sh... Shedding? *thumps you on the head*
    Whatever was going on with that water has worn off for now, but I'm still stuck changing randomly for now...
    So, we've been walking a while. Want to take a training break?
    You know that doesn't exist where I live, right?

    Cuz I live in another reality
    Good idea!
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