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  • That's exactly what you're supposed to do
    Also registeel is there for all your magnet-sticking purposes
    Afterwards, you decide to put away the dishes you were supposed to be using for your dinner guests in your Yveltal dish rack.
    And then you let said ancient being Moonblast them the hell out of your house because how dare they question your furniture choices. And then they get permanently added to your List Of People Who Are No Longer Allowed Back For Dinner Parties, which is the exact same as your List Of People Whose Medical Bills I Am Not Responsible For.
    Yeah that sounds way better than my assumption that Klefki was just the whole thing, keys and all
    You could use Xerneas as a coat rack as well. Then when people come into your house and see a huge deer fairy just patiently standing there, their immediate reaction will be "how did you get a legendary to agree to be your coat/key holder" and you'll just shrug
    Xerneas started out as a tree and then turned into the Majestic Fairy Deer (?), which is a perfect example of how badass Fairy types look

    And then there's Klefki which is just a set of keys. If you put a bunch of them onto Xerneas's antlers, it would make so much noise from them clanking against each other
    Oh yeah whoops. Mawile was the second one then total/first one of my choosing
    Same here. I thought the Fairy-types were all gonna be small and pink but then Mawile and the Ralts line happened and I realized fairies are awesome
    Oh yeah! Funnily enough, the first pokemon I actually mega evolved was a mawile
    (mega mawile is amazing and I love how it's part-fairy now)
    Nothing interesting has happened to me in these periods during which I was not here
    It should be fine! I can just keep the genders as they are and say it's due to radiation.
    Hi! I have a couple quick questions about the arena's effects in your battle vs pathos.

    1: "Only Pokemon in evolutionary families" means nothing like Girafarig or Absol, right? I think that's the case, but I'd like to be sure.

    2: Can a Pokemon evolve into another species of the same stage, rather than forward or backward along the line? For example, a Magby evolving into a Pichu, or a Butterfree evolving into a Dragonite.

    edit: Also, if a gendered Pokemon evolves into a genderless species, or if a male Pokemon evolves into a female species, does it have that species' (lack of) gender for that round, or does it keep its gender because reasons?
    damn, I forgot to take that into consideration!! This is a problem.

    ...can I borrow your digestive system
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