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  • idk if they're taking ~beginner~ beginners in the summer, so probably just show up when the thing starts in September and if you like it, register w/Hart House :o
    it's only been like 2 days, I didn't miss you at all......................... because u were with me in my heart (aaa yes I saw that, and I cannot refuse the call to snar (snake war))

    it's like. hitting ppl with 1.5m sticks. (a weapons martial art where the weapon is a spear, there's lots of spinning and swinging around and it's very cool)
    whoops I was away hitting ppl with sticks all weekend... speaking of which, do you know what is one of the coolest things we have a club for at uni
    no unfortunately i can see it clearly when I make posts but in like VM conversations it doesn't show up for me and I don't know how to fix it >:/
    ooo yes actually! you wanna incorporate the size changing thing into an arena???
    Oh, well, why don't we celebrate that anyway? And then you guys can celebrate one of our national holidays in one of those months you don't get many holidays in. Actually, why don't we steal holidays from every place in the globe until we just cover the entire calendar and never work again.
    It's several actual good things, but "paying" isn't amongst them.

    My Fridays aren't much less busy than my Thur- wait, you get a long weekend this week? Son of a
    Oh yeah. Party in the completely full (and poignantly uninteresting) lecture timeslots and unpaid internship. It's the wildest time.
    I'm on mobile. You know, perfect day to be busy from 10 AM to 11 PM and all.
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