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  • Prose, as well, you nincompoop! What do I look like, a $5 prostitute off of the streets of New Jersey?
    On the other side of things, yes, imported bubbles are all the rage in today's drinks; that will pair nicely with grenadine and a few pineapple slivers.
    write me some poetry and prose as well
    i have expensive tastes; you can't just buy me with some cheap dollar-store whiskey, i require fine wine to even think about being wooed.
    (So i'm playing juliet in my language arts class but i really just want to play a rich lady)
    Well, that's good! Sucks that it was single-elimination, though... It's a pain to do all the work of putting together a team and then only being able to use it, like, once.
    dude the whole idea of the Sin pokemon was for them to be rares that didn't quite fit with the zone
    i said i needed help with commons and uncommons because shit dude
    Here's how my list is looking so far.
    Gastly, shuppet, duskull, yamask, drifloon, houndour, pumpkaboo, numel, darumaka sandygast, magby, vulpix, growlithe, more probably later
    Haunter,honedge, dusclops, banette, torkoal, darmanitan, cofagrigus, drifblim,
    Houndoom, gengar, fennekin, litten, dusknoir, AlolanMarowak,camerupt
    Greed: Meowth, Persian, Alolan of both
    Lust: woobat, swoobat, and yes, this is a sin, luvdisc.
    Wrath: machop, machoke
    Sloth: slakoth, slowpoke, slaking (maybe, that's a good mon)
    Envy: mimikyu, ditto
    Pride: pidove, tranquill, unfezant
    Gluttony: munchlax, snorlax, swalot, gulpin
    75 common, 24 uncommon, 1 rare chance, respectively
    help i need more ideas for uc's and c's
    so my zone has like 14-20 Sin Pokemon.
    they're basically rares that fit into a category of one of the 7 deadly sins.
    feel like ditto and mimikyu fit envy quite nicely
    never fucking mind bro
    i googled proud pokemon and apparently that's the little species describer of... unfezant? What the fuck?
    actually should i just take it down until i get the finer details sorted out?
    yeah, sorry, have it up in a jiff.
    wanna be my first customer? (when operational)
    what do you personally use to decide which person gets which pokemon
    Got an adjective/noun off the top of my head.
    Applied it to my favorite mythical creature.
    how great would it be if someone got a super-powerful electric type move
    and it hit my geodude
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