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  • ...............Hmm...................
    Now it's my turn to ask this question: what would you do if I left TCoD? Not temporarily but for good?
    I'm perfectly aware of that.
    Don't tell me you're starting to suspect me of terrorist activities now...
    .......................... I don't even know how to begin responding to that question. O_O
    OH, PS2. I wish I had a PS2; I wanna play Tales of the Abyss so badly. T_T
    What games do ya have for the PS2 anyway?
    Ah yes, Carnival Zone...
    I never knew where to go until a year later before my cousin's Genesis broke. =( I never did finish that game...
    Mine would have to be Sonic 2 for the Genesis. 1) It was the first video game I ever played— at age 1; 2) I love the music there; 3) getting the chaos emeralds was challenging but at the same time fun; and 4) the stages were fun to run through. ^.^
    Oh yeah, you said that. *fails* Anyway, I'm still stuck at the begginning of the last level there, so I don't no who the boss is. I think someone said it was a bone dragon or something? I'm not sure.
    S-Sonic... how could you...?

    (While we're on the topic of Sonic, what's your favorite Sonic game?)
    Why did Amy tackle Knuckles instead of Sonic?
    *Stares at Cream the Rabbit hungrily*
    W-Why are you staring at me like that, Mr. Sonic? *Gulps*
    Thanks. ^.^ Drew it myself, but I'm not gonna post the larger image here; it'll be too small if I did.
    And look, there's Rouge the White Tiger.

    Hey there, Knuxie.
    If there's a Sonic the Cheetah, then there must also be an Amy the Cheetah! Now that's a chase scene I would love to see.

    Oh, Sonikku~♥
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