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  • XD I find it funny how we're much more open here than in real life. Well, this is according to what I read and see. =P
    Haha, I was in chorus too.
    I love to sing, so I thought it would be fun, but I ended up having to stand up for like 3 hours straight, practicing for a graduation that wasn't even my own. o.e
    Ew. I remember singing You Can't Stop the Beat from Hairspray at my graduation.
    Good times, good times.
    Oh, really?
    I was in the frist 5th grade graduating class at my school, and up until then it was up to 6th too.
    Are you excited to be graduating this coming year?
    Yeah, I saw you talking to one of my friends and I like to get to know people. (:
    So, what grade are you going into?
    Hey, if you can joke around in such a state, then you don't find the situation to be very concerning to you. >.>
    Similar situation, huh? I guess all three of us are in the same boat (me, you and Nottie).
    ... Actually, scratch that. I jumped out of that boat a long time ago, but I haven't swam far away from it yet. You see, I've already gone through Notory's current situation six years ago at age 11 (coincidence much?), with a few extra problems added in to the mix as well. I still am going through it but it has become less troublesome after I did some critical thinking of the situation.
    I was looking around TCoD for people to get to know more, and you seem nice. (:
    So, my name's Kayti, and nice to meet you. :D
    Apathy: Lack of enthusiasm or interest in things generally.

    Nottie's eleven and she's pretty much going through it (from what I see and read)
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