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  • lol, yeah. Defiantely. And Dr. Phil is going to be using them.
    "Now, i wand you to play pokemon, and you have to use this little gadget. I want you to get two pokemon a day up to level fifty from level ten..." lol

    Oh, hey, i just though up the coolest idea about the pokemon world ever. it's the last paragraph on This Page. lol. I'm sooo messed up.
    Really, I just want to make a few videos for Youtube. I wanna wait until I have an actual copy of the game to play through it.
    Nothing much, just getting into the groove of the new school year. Right now I'm trying to patch a HeartGold ROM. Have it patched to have some things translated, but the game still crashes just after Prof. Oak's speech...If I had some money I'd just import it D=
    Yeah, my nightly walk will increase by double the steps. I can see the weight loss comercials now...

    BUY POKEMON HEART GOLD OR POKEMON SOUL SILVER NOW!! It really works, here's a customer:
    I had it for a month and lost 30 pounds! The pokewlaker is amazing!!

    lol. Yeah, i've completely lost it...
    *flying glomp*
    I'm so excited about everything with HGSS!! The pokewalker!! I'm so excited! I'm gonna stick it in my poket, and take it to school, and everywhere!! (if they have it in the us, which they'd better, or my family and everyone else i know is going to hear about it for the rest of their lives...
    ...I live in the US too.
    Maybe I just live under a rock in the US.

    That, and I can't get it because I dunno how to put WiFi on the Wii and I have no points to buy it with.
    If I did, I'd be all over that shit.
    There miiiight not be enough space for that, but it would be epic.
    I'm just waiting for them to put MM on the VC, honestly.
    Might happen someday.
    After all, they DID put Mario 64 on the DS.
    And I think it could hold it. Just look at HG/SS and how epic they are already.
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