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  • NNOOO......?
    What on earth gave you that impression?
    If i got a wii i wouldn't even be on right now, i would be figuring out how to play it and buying pokemon Revelution, or i would be making sure i had enough for the dungeon games when they came out.

    My sister took Ari to her house... :'(
    Ari is a kitten, who is technically my sisters, but i will miss him.
    And instead of apples they have an assortment of 'berries' you can get in your meal. The cookies can be replaced with pokeblock.

    They can't replace the names of the meat though.
    Krabby meat sandwitch.
    Teryaki Cumbusken.
    Little kids would have screaming fits.
    That would be awsome!
    And they could sell pokemon themed meals!
    Pikakid lunchtime... lol.
    Munchlaxs favorite. The sandwitch with everything.
    ( i figured it was either shock at DR phil or what i wrote, but i wasn't sure which...)

    It would become the new fad, and we TRUE pokemon fans would be forced to hide and never reveal our pokewalkers!! it would be mass poke chaos! Even teachers would have them.... lol.
    They would walk to subway and get a sandwitch, then check their pokemon as they ate.

    I just thought of something that would be awsome. and i don't even have the thing yet, but what if your could TRADE through it? If you were looking for a certain pokemon you could have ones to trade saved into it.................

    Okay, okay. I'm getting waay ahead of them here. I doubt the tiny macine could hold that much.
    lol. Yeah, it'd be awsome. Ellen would get one. lol. Pokemon will be a household name again. XD
    I wonder what would happen to it if you rode your bike... Would it somehow count stpes from that...?

    JARED THE SUBWAY GUY! lol. He would unite subway and pokemon, and subway and starbucks would begin showing up in the games!!! Starbucks is everywhere...

    (Did you read it? I'm really messed up, aren't i?)
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