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Search results

  1. BOOM! Headshot

    Mafia as a play-by-post roleplaying game. I must admit to being intrigued.

    Mafia as a play-by-post roleplaying game. I must admit to being intrigued.
  2. BOOM! Headshot

    Oh, you poor soul. I certainly won't suggest leaving a bag of flaming dog poo on their front...

    Oh, you poor soul. I certainly won't suggest leaving a bag of flaming dog poo on their front doorstep, knocking the door, and then running away because that would be childish and immature. Is there anything that might help you to feel a little better?
  3. BOOM! Headshot

    The Return of the King

    So. Many. Views! You must be very proud. Huh? What other meaning? :O Didn't see that. Didn't actually look either, because the thread title made me so certain she was a he. *is humbled*
  4. BOOM! Headshot


  5. BOOM! Headshot

    I'm assertive? Really? When did that happen? I haven't really talked much with you yet, so I...

    I'm assertive? Really? When did that happen? I haven't really talked much with you yet, so I hope you won't be too crushed by my saying that I have no opinion either way about you. But I accepted your friend request because flattery will get you everywhere. :) Please, please make up your own...
  6. BOOM! Headshot

    Ah. That's helpful. And genius is merely a different way of looking at the world than everybody...

    Ah. That's helpful. And genius is merely a different way of looking at the world than everybody else, so why not? It's incredible what a different perspective can reveal.
  7. BOOM! Headshot

    I'm... I'm so sorry you've left the slacker lifestyle behind. On the other hand...

    I'm... I'm so sorry you've left the slacker lifestyle behind. On the other hand, congratulations on the new income. :) Completely seriously, though, I hope you like your new job, whatever it is. They're hard to come by in this economic climate.
  8. BOOM! Headshot

    The Return of the King

    That explains the negative connotation I noticed in the way it was used, then. "You're not really transgender unless you have invasive surgery done to your most sensitive organs" would certainly feel negative to those who didn't feel the need for it. That just leaves me wondering about...
  9. BOOM! Headshot

    The American education system needs to be more forgiving. -_- It shouldn't punish people for...

    The American education system needs to be more forgiving. -_- It shouldn't punish people for making mistakes when they're young, because that's exactly the time to make mistakes. But complaining about a system I never went through and have no power to change won't help anything, and I digress...
  10. BOOM! Headshot

    The Return of the King

    Tch. I don't really keep up with all the terms you crazy kids use, so I'll ask here and save myself future embarrassment. I noticed the word "cis" being used in a transgender thread in the debating forum, where people were hotly arguing about what other people's personal life choices should be...
  11. BOOM! Headshot

    Have you ever had one of those moments where you're all "OMG! I WANNA REPLY TO THE GRR THRED!"...

    Have you ever had one of those moments where you're all "OMG! I WANNA REPLY TO THE GRR THRED!"? Well, I just had one of those, before I remembered about these profile Visitor messages. I just want to wish you well in your finals, and congratulations on your early school holiday. Don't stress...
  12. BOOM! Headshot

    If Wishes Were Real

    Wait. Wait, wait. Wait. This thread isn't as entirely silly as I thought it'd be. It certainly isn't the thread that I intended (but nevermind about that) You're all forgetting those people who'd wish they were god or something, and end up having a snit-fit over all the other people who have...
  13. BOOM! Headshot

    The "Fwee" Thread

    "So let me get this straight. You're all a bunch of geeks and nerds taking advantage of a dangerous situation to play pirates?" Reading Oceans Unmoving always chills me out and makes me feel more content. It's like the sci-fi version of Pirates of the Caribbean. It even features Timey-Wimey...
  14. BOOM! Headshot

    I became aware of the negligible forum activity this morning, and I've taken steps to correct...

    I became aware of the negligible forum activity this morning, and I've taken steps to correct the mistaken assumption on my part that these threads were new. What I should have done at the beginning was click the 'Mark all boards as read' option at the bottom of the forum. I did that this...
  15. BOOM! Headshot

    I want to know your underwear.

    Underwear? What underwear?
  16. BOOM! Headshot

    I think my socks are ninjas...

    Oh, great. Now I'm going to be up all night waiting to see if my socks try to assassinate me in my sleep, or something. ... But not really. I'm not quite that crazy yet. I'm one of those kooks who doesn't bother to wear matching socks. It's not like I can find a pair anyway, and life's too...
  17. BOOM! Headshot

    If Wishes Were Real

    If wishes were real, what would the world be like? Post your own personal version of reality based on things that you typically wish for, either secretly or publicly. And don't forget the forum rules, because really! If Wishes were real... Jim Carrey would be 69% more likely to be a road...
  18. BOOM! Headshot

    Pokemon Headcanons

    Upon reading the thread title, I immediately thought 'Isn't that Genesect?'. Upon further investigation, I've deduced that it means 'What do you think is real in the pokemon universe'. Yes, yes. I'm aware that I'm slow of thinking sometimes. I think that, despite what it shows in the anime and...
  19. BOOM! Headshot

    Wow this site is still around!

    2008? I'm almost sure that this forum (or something like it) has been going since something like 2003, or thereabouts. As I recall, though, it certainly wasn't an Invisionfree board back then. I didn't join back then because "Oh, pokemon is sure to be a short-lived fad. There's no point." I...
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