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Search results

  1. Greenumbreon

    Ah, okay.

    Ah, okay.
  2. Greenumbreon

    Yeah, I recloured the Platinum umbreon sprite for my new profile picture. Where'd ya get your...

    Yeah, I recloured the Platinum umbreon sprite for my new profile picture. Where'd ya get your avatar?
  3. Greenumbreon

    New Pokemon?

    Gorebyss is a type of chimaera. Check this out. Psyduck is a platypus. Golduck is a kappa. Life pokemon=Mew Death pokemon=Giratina End of any arguments. And I already made up a flaming goat. Pyrokid is the first stage, dunno what to call the second. Goatsplode?
  4. Greenumbreon

    What do you mean he's only that tall?!

    And here's my oppinion on all the pokemon I think are undersized. Any oversized ones are stated as such. Gorebyss, 5'11'', doesn't even look that long in the size checker thing. Empoleon. Short. Infernape. UBER SHORT. Cacturne. Wtf? Camerupt. Bigger than it looks. Roselia>PUNY Nosepass...
  5. Greenumbreon

    Are you a virgin?

    Yeah, I'm still virgin, but then I'm only thirteen.
  6. Greenumbreon

    Nidoran: Gender issue

    Yeah, that's where I got my volbeat for my Emerald's Hoenn Dex, 'cause I couldn't find the damn thing anywhere else. I just bred my illumise, and got a volbeat on the first egg. Religous dude on why NidoEvo♀ can't evolve: "It is because the Lord Arceus made them them that way." Me: "No, it's...
  7. Greenumbreon

    Opinion on all of the crime oraganizations in the games.

    Y'know Typhloise, I think someone already made a thread like this. And I thought it was Dr. Fuji that was on Team Rocket's side. I can't remember. But ah well. My favorite crime organization is... I don't actually know. They're all really lame. In RBYFRLG, I'm not even sure what Team Rocket...
  8. Greenumbreon

    Funny Player Names/Rival Names

    My Crystal rival was named BOX. Greatest rival name in the history of rival names. :D In Zelda: Twilight Princess, I called myself God. And I think I'll call my Platinum rival (when I get the game) BananA, or HaT or something. Maybe LumP. Or iDunno. I don't what I'll call him! O_O Oh noes!
  9. Greenumbreon

    D/P/Pt What the?!

    I owned that lucario with my chimecho. XP Am I the only person in the world who likes chimecho enough to train one?
  10. Greenumbreon

    I knew it! I'm NEVER WRONG. Sorta. Maybe. Not really.

    I knew it! I'm NEVER WRONG. Sorta. Maybe. Not really.
  11. Greenumbreon

    Double time!

    5000? How the hell did you manage that?
  12. Greenumbreon

    Precisely. And I imagine your favorite is celebi.

    Precisely. And I imagine your favorite is celebi.
  13. Greenumbreon

    One Shot Writing Contest! Goin for the Gold!

    Righty then, here's my uber awesome story. Shadows of the Arctic Night The pale light of the moon cast a silvery glow over the frozen landscape. A landscape that was cold as it was harsh. What little else light there was in this freezing, unforgiving land came from the stars, and the flicker...
  14. Greenumbreon

    Ha. Love your avatar. 'Cause I really, really dislike sky shaymin. Land shaymin's great though.

    Ha. Love your avatar. 'Cause I really, really dislike sky shaymin. Land shaymin's great though.
  15. Greenumbreon


    Only 8-12? That's nothing! Way up here in Ontario, it'd take 20 inches to get a snow day. All you funny United Statesians and your imperial mesurements. Metric mesurements FTW! 8D
  16. Greenumbreon

    cruel luck

    That's why you should use a repel while chaining. Just breed it. :D Anyway, my worst luck was that time in Saphire when I encountered a shiny skarmory. First skarmory encountered too. I got it right down to red health using my blaziken's blaze kick, but it broke out of every ball I had anyway...
  17. Greenumbreon


    New person! :grin: Got milk?
  18. Greenumbreon

    Hi. I wanna hamburger.

    Hi. I wanna hamburger.
  19. Greenumbreon

    I Don't Seem to Hate a Single Pokémon

    Re: I Don't Seem to Hate a Single Pokémon I hate shaymin's sky form. >:( Blasted thing is so ugly and unshaymin-ish. And bidoof. So ridiculously common... It's ruined quite a few pokeradar chains on me.
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