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New Pokemon?

I don't care if it's a 'Rainbow' Pokemon, it's just rainbow coloured and stuff. I don't care what Nintendo says about it, if you go by these 'titles' then Tyranitar is a Armor Pokemon and Snorlax is a 'sleeping' Pokemon(I know I know some like 'Kitten Pokemon(Skitty)' and stuff but those are obvious).

...it literally CRAPS RAINBOWS. And TTar is, kinda, uh armoured. and Snorlax sleeps a lot. You've got a rainbow, be happy.
I wish new Pokemon would never come.

Almost 500... don't we have enough? Seriously.
Nooes, we need a pokemon of life and one for death ...

But seriously, I doubt they could advance the series any further with anything particularly new.
Gorebyss is a type of chimaera. Check this out.
Psyduck is a platypus.
Golduck is a kappa.
Life pokemon=Mew
Death pokemon=Giratina
End of any arguments.

And I already made up a flaming goat. Pyrokid is the first stage, dunno what to call the second. Goatsplode?
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Just noting this... Kangashan is a kangaroo-thing!

Notice the pouch that it carries it's kid in. And it's build is quiite like one also.
I still fail to make the Psyduck-platypus connection, but eh. Maybe because I was under the impression that a platypus would be water/poison. :\
I still fail to make the Psyduck-platypus connection, but eh. Maybe because I was under the impression that a platypus would be water/poison. :\

It has a bill, appears to lack feathers, doesn't have wings, is poisonous (although nearly every Pokemon can learn Toxic anyways...), and is a pure water type
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