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New Pokemon?

I lol'ed at the Steve Irwray name

It seems to me that a majority want more water types
I the dolphin has been used, Gorebyss

A cat-like thing that's not legendary would be cool

Meowth, Persian, Skitty, Delcatty, Glameow and Purugly not enough for you?

Orca. I refuse to call it by that other disgusting and misleading name.

"Orcinus orca
Meaning of scientific name: a kind of whale. Of or belonging to the realms of the dead"

Besides, it's on the top of the ocean food chain. And there are cases of the attacking humans.
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...and Satan (just to be opposite of Arceus) all need to be made into Pokemon.


Orca. I refuse to call it by that other disgusting and misleading name.
Sorry, but how is 'Killer Whale' misleading? They kill things, and they're whales. o.O They drag baby seals from the shore into deep water so they can eat them.
People seem to think they're these timid, playful animals that can do tricks like Shamu. They're aggressive pack hunters and have attacked humans on occasion.

Sorry, but how is 'Killer Whale' misleading? They kill things, and they're whales. o.O They drag baby seals from the shore into deep water so they can eat them.
People seem to think they're these timid, playful animals that can do tricks like Shamu. They're aggressive pack hunters and have attacked humans on occasion.


The truth.

Anyway, I thought Darkrai was meant to be satan too, but now I'm pretty sure it was made to oppose Cresselia.
Oh yeah. Well doesn't that make Giratina satan or something?
We need a more Pokewolves. I like Mightyena, but come on! Houndoom doesn't count anyways because it's more of a devil dog than a wolf.

An electric moose would be nice... As would a mecha penguin. Just think, A tiny cute penguin who fights in a giant mech suit. Pwnd.

More western dragons and sea creatures would be awesome.

Most of all though, I want a jelly fish pokemon. Tentacool/cruel don't do the creature justice. GIVE US OUR JELLY!!!
_Ditto_ said:
I the dolphin has been used, Gorebyss
Wrong. It isn't a dolphin; I can't remember exactly what it is (Some kind of odd deep-sea fish) but it's not a dolphin.

Sorry, but how is 'Killer Whale' misleading? They kill things, and they're whales. o.O They drag baby seals from the shore into deep water so they can eat them.
Slightly incorrect. They are, in fact, a type of dolphin.

Vespiquen on the other hand...
Is also a wasp. As in, 'Vespi-' (Latin for wasp, if I recall correctly).
Wrong. It isn't a dolphin; I can't remember exactly what it is (Some kind of odd deep-sea fish) but it's not a dolphin.

People have suggested the gulper eel, but Gorebyss has little to no jaw at all, just a straw with a sharp bit instead of a little spoon.

Is also a wasp. As in, 'Vespi-' (Latin for wasp, if I recall correctly).

That's only English 'canon'. In Japanese, their names (Mitsuhoney [Mitsuhani] and Bikuin [Beequeen]) aren't based off wasps.
Cuttlefish, dammit! And water bears. And wolves, since Houndoom is a dog and Mightyena is a hyena. And more dinosaurs because they're awesome.

Linoone has been infected by the Kratos virus.

We really need a dolphin though. I know there's Kyogre already, but that's a Orca/Killer Whale, so doesn't really count.
People have suggested the gulper eel, but Gorebyss has little to no jaw at all, just a straw with a sharp bit instead of a little spoon.

I always thought Huntail was something closer to a gulper eel, except for the fact that it has teeth.

Not sure exactly what Gorebyss is supposed to be, but the whole "looks cute and harmless, but actually sucks blood" reminds me of a false cleaner fish (I think that's the name of it, anyway.) They look exactly like regular cleaner fish, but instead of picking off parasites and dead skin, they bite other fish and drink their blood.

Back on the subject of new Pokémon ideas... we need a scorpion that doesn't randomly deBug itself for no apparent reason when it evolves.
OMG stegosaur and dolphin would be awesome. Seriously, the dolphin seems to be the main focus of almost everyone here. Plus a panda that actually has a pandaish color scheme.
Oh I know! A long-neck dinosaur :3 that would be awesome :3
More giraffes, maybe fire?
A water/fighting cat :D
A fire tiger or ice...
A wyvern
more bunnies
more kitties
a cheetah
a sea-turtle with flippers, all our current turtles have legs :P
a fire squirrel, or ice
a lion fish~

I'm probably just being paranoid, but did you copy this from my fake region? It's just, the name is virtually identical, and I vaguely recall you saying "This one is my favourite" while quoting my one.
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