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What do you mean he's only that tall?!


used Bat Credit Card!
So, TCoD, have you ever seen a Pokemon that looks like they SHOULD be huge, but they turn out to be much smaller than expected? Is that seemingly-huge brute that you caught actually dwarfed in height by you? Share your height surprises here.

As for me, Regirock. Oh lordy, Regirock. One of my new favorite Pokemon. He/It looks like he/it should be at least 6 to 7 feet tall, if not taller. But in reality, he's/it's only around 5 feet tall. This is especially strange when compared to its kin. Regice and Registeel are both around 6 feet tall, when they don't even have as much physical power as Regirock. Creepy.
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I assumed Darkrai would at least be a bit larger than a grown man, but it's only 4'11". What?
Well, remember that Pokémon comes from Japan, where humans are (on average) a lot shorter than they are in Europe or the United States. 5'10" or 5'11" seems more like "average guy height" over here, but in Japan someone who's that height would be pretty tall.

And about Darkrai: 4'11" is its height without the extendo-legs. I imagine it'd be closer to 6'00" (maybe even taller) with the legs extended.

As for Pokémon that seem mis-sized to me...

Metagross only being around 5 feet seems a little odd... but then again, Metagross being 5 feet tall would still be pretty big overall, because they're much wider than they are tall anyway.

I don't mind Regirock's height too much, but Regice really looks like it should be the shortest of the three Regis. Maybe Regice and Regirock should switch sizes.

Other than those (and maybe a few others I don't remember), the Pokémon heights seem about right to me. The weights on the other hand... some of those are completely on crack.
Most of the legendaries, especially the Regis. I didn't know that until you mentioned that.

Ah, I remember when I got my first Swellow, too... Toree was her name. Until about half a year ago, I always thought Swellow was big enough to carry a 5-feet-tall person easily on her back, but... I was just so surprised when I discovered it was only about as high as your average small dog. D:
I'm a young teenager and I always pictured Gallade taller than me.
He's actually only a little over five feet... Kind of odd, if you ask me.
I'm 5'2'' and 13. I've alway's though that Gyarados was of giga height, I was suprised to see that it was [obviously] taller then me, but not by that much.
I always thought that Lucario was taller or as tall then me, who is of average height, but it's actually as short as my brother. It kinda surprised me.
Arceus is 8 feet tall.

Wait, what...?

Hes... only 8 feet tall!?

I also expected Regigigas to be larger, him being a giant and all...
The victory goes to 4'11" Salamence, though 5'7" Charizard isn't far behind.

My explanation is that this refers to their size pretty much just after evolution, and that many Dragon (and serpent) Pokémon slowly grow larger as they grow older, and that many can live for hundreds of years. (That would be true for Flygons too, by the way. For instance, I would predict the Flygon in Jirachi Wishmaker is probably close to 100 years old. The biggest example is the enormous Dragonite in I believe episode 7 of the anime, probably a thousand years old or so).

I also expected 3'11" Breloom to be larger, maybe more like 5 and a half feet tall.

On the far other end of the spectrum, 7lb Dratini is somehow 5'11? Err... they're obviously talking about length, not height... They probably do that for all the other serpentine Pokémon too.
And here's my oppinion on all the pokemon I think are undersized.
Any oversized ones are stated as such.

Gorebyss, 5'11'', doesn't even look that long in the size checker thing.
Empoleon. Short.
Infernape. UBER SHORT.
Cacturne. Wtf?
Camerupt. Bigger than it looks.
Nosepass. Bigger than I thought.
Swellow. Of course. Tiny little thing.
Togetic. Little runt.
Noctowl. Huge owly.
Moltres/Articuno/Zapdos. Half the size they should be!
Electrode. That thing is MASSIVE. How could ANYONE mistake it for a pokeball? Same with voltorb.
Ponyta. WTF MINI?
Rapidash. Barely big enough for a kid to ride dammit.
Graveler. Another runt!
Lucario. Yet another runt!
Gastrodon. Runt! Runt! Runt!
Floatzel. RUUUUUUNT.
Wormadam. No size increase from evolution? Well, it's supposed to be a foot longer, but it doesn't look like it with the size checker thing.
Kricketune. Runts galore!
Kricketot. 0_o Just a bit unnoticably small?
Staravia. Aother runt, will the list never end? No wait that's it.
Guys, they look small because you have been watching too much anime. That show completely morphed the sizes of every pokemon. Durrr.
The only one that really got me was Roselia. I would expect it to at least reach my waist level. I forgot it's height but I am convinced that it wouldn't even reach half way up my shin.
floatzel is tiny
i thought it would be almost as tall as me and i'm like 5'4" >( but it's like 3'8" or something i think?

and while the 'zels are too small imo, buizel weighs like 30 lbs., kinda heavy for something so small. buizel is like the size of my dog, who weighs about 15 lbs and is only about a little more than a foot tall at the shoulders (he stands up on his hind legs to beg sometimes though and then he's about as big as buizel would be), but weighs like twice as much? what...

oh staraptor is also pathetic
Roselia and Torkoal have always seemed incredibly small to me. They're only about a foot tall, but from their pictures it looks like they should both be around the size of an average human.
Wait...Swellow's /that/ small?!
I always imagined it maybe the size of a horse at least...
And same with Arceus, I never would have imagined it /that/ tall o.o
And Torkoal, a foot? I thought it'd be like a giant!
Torkoal is smaller than actual giant tortoises. :(
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