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What do you mean he's only that tall?!

Has anyone mentioned Wailord yet? Just look at it's size. How can that even fit in a Pokeball let alone a basic battle.
What about Eevee? It's only a foot tall! That's only about half-way up my shin. I always thought of it as being at least up to my knees.

Raticate is also pretty damn small. It's only up to my waist! I always imagined it being up to my shoulders.

The only Pokemon I can remember being surprised at how big it was was Xatu.

Pretty much everyone else is much smaller than they are in my head.
Yeah, I couldn't believe that lucario was like 3 feet tall! Thats tiny!! Not even up to my shoulders! And the thing that bothered me the most was that Hitmontop was bigger, like 4 feet something!! I always thought that it was really small
Surprisingly, I had no assumptions about Pokemon size. Blaziken was about the size I imagined it to be, and even Giratina seems proportionate at 14 feet, probably 6 feet from the ground up.

Groudon is about 11'06, which is bigger than a Brown Bear, while Kyogre's 14'09, the estimated length of a Great White Shark. Legendaries needn't be skyscrapers.
Wow, when I saw the size of Dratini and Dragonair, I exploded. I mean, wtf? How can they be THAT big.

Also, I thouhg some of the legendaries would be smaller, like Girantina. Too big.
I always imagined Infernape being tall enough to reach my shoulders, then I find out he's around 3 feet tall! That certainly was a shocker for me.
Then there's Sunkern. It's said the be around an inch long, like a normal seed. WTF? That seems way to small for a Pokemon that can uleash a solar beam. Wouldn't it be incredibly hard to hit in battle too?
I always imagined Infernape being tall enough to reach my shoulders, then I find out he's around 3 feet tall! That certainly was a shocker for me.
Then there's Sunkern. It's said the be around an inch long, like a normal seed. WTF? That seems way to small for a Pokemon that can uleash a solar beam. Wouldn't it be incredibly hard to hit in battle too?

Sunkern is actually a foot long.

I was surprised at how small Lopunny was. I was expecting it to at least reach my shoulder, and I'm 62 inches tall.
I'm not really suprised by many Pokémon sizes. I don't really look at the sizes of them much. The sprites of them are almost always the same size anyways >.<

Yeah, the one that really got me was Wailord. 47'7 I think. And to think I used one in the E4. I don't think if it was used in the animé and they got a pool out for the water pokemon it would fit >.<
I direct you here. Either Arbok's Big or regigigas is very small.

The resized sprites there seem to be a "Pokémon X's size measurement is this much bigger than Pokémon Y's" thing, not the actual sizes in comparison to each other. Notice that the site does the same thing to represent the weights, and even the base stats.

Arbok's "height" is actually length, by the way. Same way with all the other longer-than-they-are-tall Pokémon (especially the snakes.) It'd be a lot less confusing if they'd just label it as "Size" in the games rather than "Height"...
Still, Dratini is way to big. D=


Lol, I guess this counts as a 'snake' Pokemon?
I thought Shiftry would be as big as a actual tree.

Also I had no idea Tropius was that big.
I think Roselia is only a little short. They're basically living rose bushes, so two feet should do it. (No offense to any Roselia fans, because I love all Pokémon.) Anyways, they need bigger birds. As shown in Serebii Comics, using Fly doesn't make much sense with tiny birds. (-_-;) I think all Pokémon should be at least two feet except in cases like Diglett. But on the other hand, Magneton seems huge compared to some others, even though he's three Magnemite combined...
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