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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

What do you mean he's only that tall?!

Not sure if it was said yet, but Metagross. That huge, hulking chunk of metal turns out to be shorter than me!

Well, I suppose it's more wide than tall. It might be shorter than you, but it might be bigger than your room.

Also, I thouhg some of the legendaries would be smaller, like Girantina. Too big.

Really? I always imagined legendaries (minus Mew and the such) would be huge. I guess the 14'9.2" may refer to its length instead though, since it is pretty long, especially in Origin form.
Rampardos. The thing's a cross between a T-rex and... some other dinosaur whose name escapes me at the moment, yet it's shorter than me. I figured 7-8 feet tall, at least.
Rampardos. The thing's a cross between a T-rex and... some other dinosaur whose name escapes me at the moment, yet it's shorter than me. I figured 7-8 feet tall, at least.

Pachycephalosaurus. Long name X(

I was also surprised by Arbok/Regigigas and Rampardos, since a Tyrannosaurus is supposed to be 40 feet long, and Pachycephalosaurus, about 20. So, on average, Rampardos is about less than a third of the height I would expect it to be. But I guess I'm connecting it with the real creatures too much.
i was surprised by staraptor and pidgeot. staraptor's only 3'11''! i imagined it a lot bigger, so i could ride it. it's only a foot and an inch shorter than me. i mean, wtf?

pidgeot is 4'11'', an inch taller than me. how can i ride that? sure, i demand piggyback rides from my friends all the time, but they're 5'6...stuff like that, and even they can't hold me up for a long period of time.

tyranitar is kinda stupid too. it's only 6'6''. i imagined a pokemon that destroys mountains almost 10 feet tall. it just doesn't sound real to me.

pokemon weights look like they're on crack. raichu is 2'7'' and weighs 66 pounds. my cousin is that tall (mainly cause he's two years old) and i bet he weighs around 20 pounds.
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