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Search results

  1. Goat

    Sojaveña Wilds Twilight Quarry

    It was definitive. They had Owen. As the Swarms graduated from afterthought to primary focus, they crumbled under the increased pressure. The others made quick work of the meteor like it were a crumb—Astrid caught a glimpse looking behind her, and for the first time got to see just how powerful...
  2. Goat

    Sojaveña Wilds Twilight Quarry

    Ball firmly in the grasp of a wrapped tail, a new rush of Radiance lasered Astrid in on Owen's next move. He'd lashed out blindly, but she was too quick this time. As he still fought to regain the bearings of his Perceive for a better blow, she swooped underneath and jammed the device right into...
  3. Goat

    Sojaveña Wilds Twilight Quarry

    Astrid's heart sank with her body's descent into the deepest depths. The pressure from the Shadows was unmistakable, but drowned out by the stinging ecstasy of Radiance bubbling up in her gut, piercing her skin, chasing the tips of her tails... And then she was before Owen, who towered over her...
  4. Goat

    Sojaveña Wilds Twilight Quarry

    "I'll try to... pffpht--clear a path!" Astrid snarled. The screeching and tearing of element on shadowy miasma struggled against the deafening thrumming of countless bodies moving in anything but unison. Rare windows formed between them that gave her line of sight to the pit, where Owen...
  5. Goat

    Sojaveña Wilds Twilight Quarry

    The ultra ball fit anything but snugly in her tiny paw, but thankfully weighed very little. Astrid tossed and flipped it, threw it up once, caught it where its only button wasn't... and finally passed it along to one of her tails. Much better. She'd have a chance of throwing it more than three...
  6. Goat

    Sojaveña Wilds Clan Battlegrounds

    "Same actions?" Astrid recoiled when it had been said and practically spit it out when it was her turn to speak. "Good grief." It was like she'd said: he sounded miserable. Taking their appeals, their sacrifice today, and turning it back into processed, premeditated self-righteousness...
  7. Goat

    Sojaveña Wilds Clan Battlegrounds

    Astrid grimaced. Stifled a groan. It was like all of her least favorite diplomatic traits had been crammed into a single feathered mass. Each response was like taking a bite when her mouth was already full--too much to chew on. "We're not above using violence for our ideals, no," Astrid...
  8. Goat

    Sojaveña Wilds Clan Battlegrounds

    Sympathy and prejudice fought for real estate on Astrid's face, twisting her expression. That hurt like hell. She grimaced at the sight of Zapdos on the ground, part of her eager to pounce again. But no, he really was done. In the end she just sigh-groaned and let her guard fall against her...
  9. Goat

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    Out of food, Astrid had that to chew on instead. "...Mmhm. Cipher seemed more opportunistic than anything. Yeah, no, I agree. I think it's gotta have a lot to do with Betel, whatever it is. It's weird how little we know about her, but it's really weird how little she knows about herself." She...
  10. Goat

    Sojaveña Wilds Clan Battlegrounds

    Embracing pain never dulls it. The first kick shattered Astrid's balance; the second ripped the wind out of her lungs; the third yanked a curtain of darkness across her brain. The force was so great that she bounced straight off the ground, into the air a few feet, and limp again to the prickly...
  11. Goat

    Sojaveña Wilds Clan Battlegrounds

    Astrid wiped the sweat off her brow--no actually, that was blood. Her pulse roared in her temples. She couldn't take another barrage like that without falling, and the bird was too thick to drain energy from efficiently... So this was a 'Saint'. A 'Legend'. Someone who didn't need the guidance...
  12. Goat

    Sojaveña Wilds Clan Battlegrounds

    (flavor later)
  13. Goat

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    "Thankfully we wouldn't be toddlers this time," Astrid said in-between bites. She had really loosened up -- perhaps it was the alcohol, perhaps it was growing more comfortable in Nova's company -- and didn’t hardly bother to swallow all the way before speaking again. She didn’t seem to be...
  14. Goat

    Sojaveña Wilds Clan Battlegrounds

    Astrid had been intrigued at first. Forlas had no shortage of wild sorts, and a so-called Cyclone challenging them to a duel was as unusual as his subliminal threats were alarming. But it only took a few words for her intrigue to wash away. Her mouth hardened into a perturbed frown, and as...
  15. Goat

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    Astrid's head bobbed back and forth in a drawn-out nod, her thousand-yard stare harmlessly piercing the glassware behind the bar. "You ever meet Dayle?" She studied Nova's reaction. "The Machoke with the... ah, uhm, if you've met him you'd definitely know. He's running for mayor, apparently...
  16. Goat

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    "Psychic's fun," Astrid mused rather absent-mindedly. "If I could pick a type to be, it'd be one of my top three, four. Hmm..." Silence settled as Astrid failed to continue the conversation meaningfully, and briefly, she felt like melting into her chair with a long sigh. The alcohol helped, of...
  17. Goat

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    Astrid hadn't heard of any vampire stories and was totally unfamiliar with the accent, but it sounded funny, and she was drunk, so she laughed hysterically all the same. "Hmmhh. You know, I-- maybe you're right. I dunno, I just thought I had to kiss someone every time I did it." How silly that...
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