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Search results

  1. Scyther

    Hm. Cool. And, ew, anchovies are gross. I can't stand the idea of eating any type of aquatic...

    Hm. Cool. And, ew, anchovies are gross. I can't stand the idea of eating any type of aquatic animals. Can't wait 'till I beat this game and Buttefree comes out with a HGSS ev training guide. I want to try being competetive.
  2. Scyther

    Cool. What's life like for you at home? What's the tempature outside right now?

    Cool. What's life like for you at home? What's the tempature outside right now?
  3. Scyther

    Eh. Being tired? School work. That's nice. Care to go on?

    Eh. Being tired? School work. That's nice. Care to go on?
  4. Scyther

    Well, really, I must know... do you talk like that naturally? Or are you doing it just cause?

    Well, really, I must know... do you talk like that naturally? Or are you doing it just cause?
  5. Scyther

    So... tell me a bit about yourself.

    So... tell me a bit about yourself.
  6. Scyther

    No, they'll probably just force me to cut it all off. Assuming they're still together, because...

    No, they'll probably just force me to cut it all off. Assuming they're still together, because I'm pretty sure my dad wouldn't care.
  7. Scyther

    O_o My, you're quite the oddity, aren't you? I like it.

    O_o My, you're quite the oddity, aren't you? I like it.
  8. Scyther

    Niet. You see, even it's blue, the hair will keep growing. I'll ask for a trim and use that hair.

    Niet. You see, even it's blue, the hair will keep growing. I'll ask for a trim and use that hair.
  9. Scyther

    Attacks and Abilities Guide

    Amnesia. Do we actually make them forget a move?
  10. Scyther

    Heh. Well my parents say that I can only have during the summer. Still. I want to be as close...

    Heh. Well my parents say that I can only have during the summer. Still. I want to be as close as possible. I think when I get my first haircut, I'll steal some of the hair.
  11. Scyther

    I'm definitly going to try, but I'm not sure how well it'll turn out. I tend to screw up things...

    I'm definitly going to try, but I'm not sure how well it'll turn out. I tend to screw up things like cosplaying royally. My hair. Will be as blue as a beluga. No questions asked.
  12. Scyther

    Huh? Twiggy?

    Huh? Twiggy?
  13. Scyther

    Ameroq01 vs. Scyther

    ^Um, Omi? The reffing isn't up. I suppose I could just tell you this, considering I'm sitting right next to you, but meh. EDIT: And it's not nice to delete your post right after you read this, either. >:-(
  14. Scyther


  15. Scyther

    ParaBob-Omb vs Darksong

    ^You attack first, Perry. Sorry, figured you'd know.
  16. Scyther

    ParaBob-Omb vs Darksong

    The referee sat on the ground idly playing with the lush green grass, waiting for any sign from his contestents. He tried to just focus on the slow gurgling of the small stream beside him, though a stray thought such as C'mon, get here all ready, I want my monies! couldn't help but pass through...
  17. Scyther

    My lord, Twiggy. Peer pressure often? I was contemplating it, but obviously I can tell you're...

    My lord, Twiggy. Peer pressure often? I was contemplating it, but obviously I can tell you're going to be very impatient with it. Just go to the headquaters, if no one else takes it I might. Maybe. Just wait till I level up a bit in my new English game and I EV train some, then we can do that...
  18. Scyther

    Yeah, why? It's almost done; I just need to do the damage calculations and post it. The DQ time...

    Yeah, why? It's almost done; I just need to do the damage calculations and post it. The DQ time is a week, right?
  19. Scyther

    I'm still sure you could do it. Just double check your calculations a couple times and see if...

    I'm still sure you could do it. Just double check your calculations a couple times and see if they always come out the same.
  20. Scyther

    I'm pretty sure you could do fine in a ref. If I could do it, you should find it easy.

    I'm pretty sure you could do fine in a ref. If I could do it, you should find it easy.
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