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Search results

  1. Karousever

    Yet Another Association Game

    Those old people who say, "Vidya/Vidja Games"
  2. Karousever

    What Games Are You Playing?

    I got Civilization V with all its expansions a while back, but only played like 10 hours of it. I'm getting more into it now, though. 20+ hours in the past two days :D So definitely enjoying it like I should.
  3. Karousever

    Yet Another Association Game

  4. Karousever

    TCoD Member Headcanons

    When I created this username for Internet activities, I was 10 years old and Animorphs was my favorite series. Also my lucky number was 11, and 16 was my favorite number. So spot on for that :P As for the Sokka thing, my best friend IRL uses the username Sokka217, and I got him to go on here...
  5. Karousever

    TCoD Member Headcanons

    Somebody mentioned my existence :D I completely expected to be overlooked entirely, this is a delightful surprise! But what? XD I will not confirm nor deny this, however. As for the name thing, my name isn't Jake but I use jaketiger1116 for everything on the Internet so when someone calls out...
  6. Karousever

    Behind the Avatar, Redux

    You look super familiar, Superbird. Maybe like an actor, or something? Not sure.
  7. Karousever

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Today is my first day of summer :D
  8. Karousever

    If Wishes Were Real

    Well you know the whole infinite universe theory, one for every possible outcome, etc. Does it really matter, people-wise, though? I mean, if the people are made up completely the same, memories and experiences and physical traits and all, are they really any different from the other them, until...
  9. Karousever

    Oh my gosh, I love the Sableye and Tynamo ones XD Thank you for showing me!

    Oh my gosh, I love the Sableye and Tynamo ones XD Thank you for showing me!
  10. Karousever

    The Return of the King

    Welcome back!
  11. Karousever

    Thank you, and I actually can't retake them. I have no room to breathe when it comes to credits...

    Thank you, and I actually can't retake them. I have no room to breathe when it comes to credits, I am fortunate to get exactly as many as I need by the end of the year next year. If I fail a class my entire schedule falls apart. And I know of Khanacademy, but I don't like it very much. I feel...
  12. Karousever

    If Wishes Were Real

    What's to stop someone using their wish to wish for wishes that can be used at any time?
  13. Karousever

    The "Fwee" Thread

    I just discovered the word mellifluous.
  14. Karousever

    If Wishes Were Real

    Well I don't think it would work...I think the system would implode on itself. There would have to be pretty strict guidelines as to what you can and cannot wish for, how often you can wish, the volume of your wish, etc. Because what happens when people are (as above mentioned) wishing each...
  15. Karousever

    It's quite alright!

    It's quite alright!
  16. Karousever

    It's wonderful how much you're posting and getting involved with the forum and everything! We...

    It's wonderful how much you're posting and getting involved with the forum and everything! We love people who post a lot! One thing, though. You should probably make an effort to check the date of some posts, because after a month or two those things tend to often be less relevant now, you know...
  17. Karousever

    I have no idea when you changed your avatar but I just noticed and I think it looks fantastic...

    I have no idea when you changed your avatar but I just noticed and I think it looks fantastic. Also Celebi :D
  18. Karousever

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Yesterday was pretty rough, but in the end I think it was a good day :) Plus it was my ten month anniversary with Reeni <3 And I got some reeeeeally good news :D
  19. Karousever

    Behind the Avatar, Redux

    He's right though, you are very pretty!
  20. Karousever

    Yeah, a few times. Keeps happening. I changed it to be a tad more complex this time, so here's...

    Yeah, a few times. Keeps happening. I changed it to be a tad more complex this time, so here's hoping.
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