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Search results

  1. Esque


  2. Esque


    Ahh, mostly C's. But I thought I was going to fail four of my classes, so this is awesome.
  3. Esque


    I got my report card... and I passed. Yay.
  4. Esque

    And then you realized...

    I come to poetic epiphanies all of the time. Like, you cannot use shan't in that poem, it's modernist.
  5. Esque

    Becoming a vegetarian

    Yeah, but not all of them are, and a lot of non-vegetarians are equally unhealthy, often for the same reasons. You can be a vegetarian and live off nothing but twinkies and you won't be healthy, but you don't have to be a vegetarian to eat nothing but twinkies.
  6. Esque

    Pokemon Haikus

    I like these, they're surprisingly cute (in my opinion) for the subject matter. And great job making actual Haikus, I'd never have the patience for that.
  7. Esque

    Esque's Poetry

    Indeed they do. I'll go fix it. Thanks both of you. And, hey, I wrote more! Selection Initiate a movement to imitate perfection. Copy cat, look at that, isn't it great? Don't you think conformity is the best? Lets you be just like all the rest. When we're all the same we can conform the...
  8. Esque

    In Progress Breaking The Shell. ((Warriors Rip off))

    Re: Should I finish this writing? I like the basic idea you've presented, but it seems a bit bland. Maybe at some spice to it?
  9. Esque

    One-Shot Born Screaming [horror]

    It's not really prose, but it isn't poetry either, so I figured it went here. Also, it's a tad gory, so if you're squeamish, turn back here. Anyway, that's all of my introduction. I am tired, and I ask myself, What would happen if I screamed right now? And I answer the question for myself...
  10. Esque


    I'm bi-ish.
  11. Esque


    Congratulations, Leafpool!
  12. Esque


    No. You'd have every orthodox member of each of them on your heels trying to kill you. Because while the book of faith is relatively the same, the practice is radically different. When it's existent, anyway.
  13. Esque


    Standard american, except... I never look at the dictionary pronunciation guides, so I say a lot of words wrong. A word with more than three syllables, when I say it, will always have the first syllable long and the last syllable short. Also, I've been taking Latin, so I roll my r's a little...
  14. Esque

    Taco Bell Mild sauce or KFC Gravy?

    Easily gravy, the taco bell hot sauces are all horrible. But the gravy isn't that great, homemade is a thousand times better.
  15. Esque

    What continent are you from?

    America, northern variety.
  16. Esque


    Bernard Gotfryd quote: "I believe in God, but organized religion does not do anyone any good." (May be mildly inaccurate) I definitely believe in God. And I believe in God for personal reasons, and because my past is darker than my present. When I was little, my family was laxly...
  17. Esque

    Becoming a vegetarian

    I'm not a vegetarian, but my stereotypical BFF is, so I might have a couple of tips. -Do not go out to dinner with non-vegetarians that often. Go out to lunch and breakfast but not to dinner. Why? The majority of meat dishes are served at dinner. -Going vegan is hard, way harder than going...
  18. Esque

    Esque's Poetry

    -Critique is good. Insults are bad. Find the line in between before you insult.- ~If you copy these I will eat your soul with a spork and sell you to the devil.~ So, most of it is depressing, but about half of my depressing poems are upbeat. And all of my cheerful poems are reeeeaaally...
  19. Esque

    Funny Moments at School V2

    Yes, I gave people new names. Jane: "So, in order to electrocute yourself with the toaster, do you have to plug it in and turn it on, or can you just plug it in?" Mandy: "You have to turn toasters on?" Jane: "Well you do the thing where you press the thing down..." Teacher: "I think you just...
  20. Esque

    Political Music

    Some of the songs are really good, and I'm appreciative of the fact that most of them aren't politically correct (or at least as borderline as possible) despite being political. Or at least that's what I think.
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