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So. You people may or may not remember this (tl;dr for those that haven't read it: I realized I liked a female friend of mine (I nicknamed her Redpaw), told her best friend (Rosepaw), Rosepaw told Redpaw, I found out that Redpaw knew that I liked her, drama ensued), correct? If you've read through it you'll be aware of the fact that part of the story involved the fact that she told me she was probably moving back to Texas and that, even if she wasn't, she wasn't going to do marching band next year (which was part of the reason why I told Rosepaw in the first place, because I figured that Rosepaw would be able to help me convince Redpaw to remain in the band, but that kind of took a back seat to the whole "LOL I DO AWKWARD THINGS WHICH CAUSE REDPAW TO AVOID ME" thing). Yeah, well, in the coughing cupboard, even when I was writing about being happy that things got resolved, I neglected to mention this:

WHEN we were in Disney World, I was walking behind Redpaw and Rosepaw and I caught this little snippet of conversation.
Rosepaw: Are you doing marching band next year?
Redpaw: Yes.
They proceeded to have a discussion about what next year in band would be like - using the names of people specific to this band (e.g. not being speculative about what marching band in [insert Texan high school] would be like), which made me think that perhaps she wasn't moving to Texas after all.

I never mentioned it here because I was kind of skeptical that she wasn't moving to Texas. I mean, she'd only told me she was probably moving to Texas a week and two days before the above conversation; did her family really decide they weren't moving back in that time span?

But today I got her to sign my yearbook, and she wrote "Great time in marching band this year, see you next year!". Emphasis on "see you next year". It's been well over a month since the initial "I'm moving to Texas" thing, and I think a month is a bit better of a time span to decide that you're not moving to Texas than a week and two days. She might end up not doing marching band anyway (her initial reason for not doing it was "too much money", which really is a good reason), but even if she doesn't she's still going to the same damned school. Which means I'm (hopefully) gonna stay in contact with her. And of course, if she does do marching band, I'm gonna be seeing her regularly from August until November!

I just realized that I did, in fact, mention the "are you doing marching band next year?" conversation in the CC thread. Oh well, now it's sortakinda been confirmed anyway! x3
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