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What continent are you from?

What continent are you from?

  • Europe

    Votes: 32 31.7%
  • Asia

    Votes: 4 4.0%
  • North America

    Votes: 60 59.4%
  • South America

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Africa

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Australasia

    Votes: 4 4.0%

  • Total voters
North America, United States. Same when I move down to the Lower 48.

As for county, uhhhh... I don't know if this place has counties.
yo britfags: there is no country of England. we're in the United Kingdom and no matter how much the provincials whine about it, Scotland and Wales are just as much a part of it (and in no way a seperate country either) as we are. suck it up.

I'm in Greater London, UK. which is generally considered part of Europe.
what the hell are you on about, the UK is made up of four countries
how on earth are England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland not separate?

also, the UK is generally considered part of Europe? no, we ARE part of it.
what the hell are you on about, the UK is made up of four countries
how on earth are England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland not separate?

also, the UK is generally considered part of Europe? no, we ARE part of it.

at the UN we're represented as the UK
at the EU we're represented as the UK
in the Olympics we're represented as the UK
the Prime Minister is the PM of the UK
we have one currency that is valid in all four regions (but also regional variations)

pretty sure that makes us one country.

also I was thinking more culturally and politically we're sometimes differing. stop being obtuse.

disregard that I looked it up and we are actually four countries.

fuck's sake that's pointless.
Irrelevant. The United Kingdom, as a country, is created by the UNION of four separate countries. They choose to represent themselves as one country; but they're actually four distinct ones in their own right. That's why they're not called 'states' or something like that - they're called countries.

Also Scotland has its own government and Wales its own Assembly - it's not like they're very well joined in the first place.
Actually, according to wiki, England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland are considered countries which together constitute the United Kingdom.
North America, USA, Pennsylvania, technically Bucks County but i basically live in Philadelphia.
Used to be Europe, Ireland, Dublin but now it's North America, North Carolina, Charolette
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