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Search results

  1. Esque

    I have no idea. I know I eventually want to get a job helping people, but that's all I know...

    I have no idea. I know I eventually want to get a job helping people, but that's all I know right now.
  2. Esque

    Yep. Interesting stuff right there.

    Yep. Interesting stuff right there.
  3. Esque

    Structured Recess

    Ohmygosh! That is really awful. I can't imagine having grown up without having a recess, at least during the time when I went to school. Having a bloody lip once or twice can really help someone grow. Beyond that, without a recess kids don't get a chance to develop social skills. They don't have...
  4. Esque

    Meat Eating

    ... They... they... THEY MAKE VEGETARIAN BARBECUE?!
  5. Esque

    The "Fwee" Thread

    I spent my weekend running a conference. And a bookstore. And up stairs. And after small children. And drank a 2-liter of pepsi. And it was amazing.
  6. Esque

    Meat Eating

    This is very true.
  7. Esque

    Meat Eating

    I think most of us just gave up on vegetarianism in favor of barbecue.
  8. Esque

    Do you want a boy or a girl?

    I think I might prefer a boy. Fewer awkward conversations, and I don't think I could manage to be mean to a new boyfriend of my daughter's. Oh well.
  9. Esque

    I feel as if I'm joining Gaia again.

    Aww. Gaia isn't all that friendly anymore, is it? go-gaia was better. (Shows how old I am I guess.) Don't worry, people here are nice. Welcome to tCoD, where we eat tea and drink cod. Have a cookie.
  10. Esque

    Well, I study Roman history, culture, and mythology. So I suppose that's close to the same thing.

    Well, I study Roman history, culture, and mythology. So I suppose that's close to the same thing.
  11. Esque

    ...You have fun with that.

    ...You have fun with that.
  12. Esque

    Roman culture reference. Sorry. Oh, hey, I like this song. Wha? You're not a Roman general I can...

    Roman culture reference. Sorry. Oh, hey, I like this song. Wha? You're not a Roman general I can tell you that.
  13. Esque

    oic...? Oh! Right! D'oh! Sorry. The exhaustion set in about six hours ago. Oh well. Yeah! Go...

    oic...? Oh! Right! D'oh! Sorry. The exhaustion set in about six hours ago. Oh well. Yeah! Go quote army! You get to win wars and NOT have someone follow you around to tell you you aren't a god! Woohoo!
  14. Esque

    So... who here knows how to factor the differences of squares?

    Algebra 1. The teacher isn't at school, and the sub is like, "I read book. You do math. No yelling. kthxbai." Google was unhelpful. So... do any of you know how to factor the differences of squares? I do psychology and English, not Algebra... :sweatdrop: Do you need a problem? Directions: Apply...
  15. Esque

    I think of arsenal as more like large supply or stalk. But a quote army would be nice too...

    I think of arsenal as more like large supply or stalk. But a quote army would be nice too...
  16. Esque

    Hi, New Member here!

    Blue... juice? OH NOES!! Hi. Welcome to tCoD. Have fun. Pokemon is cool.
  17. Esque

    Well, I do believe I'll have to add that quote to my arsenal.

    Well, I do believe I'll have to add that quote to my arsenal.
  18. Esque

    What gender is Pikachu?

    I've always just assumed he was male.
  19. Esque


    So I heard you liek mudkip? Welcome to tCoD, where we eat tea and drink cod to our heart's content!
  20. Esque

    I suppose vocation is a better word. Helping people. Staying up until three AM calming down...

    I suppose vocation is a better word. Helping people. Staying up until three AM calming down people who I don't actually know. Getting called at five because someone is having a nervous breakdown. Having people materialize in the general area I'm in to inform me that they have a headache...
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