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Structured Recess

What is the difference between that and Physical Education/gym class?

Recess is for kids to relax and hang out. Our school system got rid of that after the 6th grade, but we have time between classes to socialize.

What I find kinda funny is this part:
They also hope to show children that there is good old-fashioned fun to be had without iPods and video games.

I can just hear a little 6 year old: "Mom, there's no way I can have fun at recess without my iPod!"
Er well, I know that during recess I never wanted much to do with anyone else. I hate playing games like that with other people, outside my close friends. It's nice that kids can learn not to beat each other up over stuff, etc., but I don't really know if they should be forced to do anything during what's supposed to be their break to let loose or just relax.
What is the difference between that and Physical Education/gym class?

There is none, really, which is the problem, because instead of spending their $23,500 on a regular P.E. class, they chose to essentially do the same thing, but they replace traditional recess, but try to still call it recess.
This is absolutely retarded.

Yes, supervise the kids more and keep them out of trouble. No, don't force them to play games or interact with people they don't want to. Don't keep them active the whole time, let them relax a bit.

You know what I did in recess? I walked, ran a bit, maybe played some games. I also hid under the play equipment with my friends and talked about stuff....usually Pokemon. Basically, recess is there for us to do the things we want while getting out stress.

As a very shy person(and an unatheletic one too), I can see why forcing kids to interact with others in games and forcing them to be active can be very stressful.

Do these people even know what they're doing? Surely they had enjoyed recess when they were children too, but in trying to "help" them they are restricting their freedom and putting on extra, uneeded stress. :/
I used to get bullied relentlessy at school but I'd rather have the freedom to unwind and maybe read a book at the risk of physical violence and emotional abuse than be forced into physical activity, especially stupid little kids' games, which I called stupid little kids' games when I was 8.
My old middle school has started doing something like this. There are compulsory intramurals after lunch from what I hear. They also separate boys and girls at lunch and require everyone to shake hands with the principal at the beginning of the day. This isn't really making any of them into model citizens or whatever the goal is. In fact, it makes them so used to not being able to wipe their asses without a teacher knowing about it, that when you give them any unsupervised time they don't know what to do with themselves and proceed to act like monkeys.

“I don’t like to play,” protested Esmeilyn Almendarez, 11.

“Why do I have to go through this every day with you?” replied Ms. Parker, waving her back in line. “There’s no choice.”

I'd be that kid, most likely. And I kind of want to punch this teacher in the face.

I always spent my recess either swinging or running around aimlessly. In gym I was that kid who would refuse to play on purpose just to piss off everyone on my team. That always was the only fun thing about gym. :v
“Before, I was seeing nosebleeds, busted lips, and students being a danger to themselves and others,”

B-but this is the point of playground time! Being covered from head to toe in bandages is a part of growing up! Speaking as someone who had her own section of the Accident Book and had to go to hospital because of playground-related injuries no less than four times, injuries are character-building!

My primary school was epic. We (boys and girls) most often played rugby in PE lessons, and the only reason it was less violent than the stuff that happened at playtime was that when you were tackled to the ground, you fell on muddy grass rather than gravelly tarmac. And we got more excersise at playtime, too, because we didn't have to waste time getting changed.
how the hell do you structure recess? that's practically an oxymoron.

why can't they just get over the fact that they turned it into phys ed and call it a day?
this is... horrifying. i cannot believe something like this would even happen. i am not really sure why some adults hate little children with all their heart, and yet still go into education.
this is... horrifying. i cannot believe something like this would even happen. i am not really sure why some adults hate little children with all their heart, and yet still go into education.

They think that they are "helping" them.


Like what the US is doing in Middle Eastern Countries right now....:dead:
this is... horrifying. i cannot believe something like this would even happen. i am not really sure why some adults hate little children with all their heart, and yet still go into education.
The reason is obvious. They are witches. [/Roald Dahl]

But... yeah. People need a bit of time off during the day, no matter what age. :/ I played some of the most amazing and fantastic games ever with my best friend during recess; I'd have been missing out on an enormous part of my life if it had been turned into an extra PE class. If there's bullying and fighting going on during recess, the way to fix that is not to eliminate recess any more than the fact the bullying and fighting goes on at school means we should eliminate school. Look into the root of the problem instead of just removing the opportunity for it to surface.
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Ohmygosh! That is really awful. I can't imagine having grown up without having a recess, at least during the time when I went to school. Having a bloody lip once or twice can really help someone grow. Beyond that, without a recess kids don't get a chance to develop social skills. They don't have time during the school day to figure out how they're supposed to interact with other kids their age, which in my opinion is really important especially later in life.
In my opinion, this is crap.

Sure, Americans are getting more obese. Sure, kids need to be more active. But forcing kids to do what they don't even want to do?

These kids are missing out on a whole lot of a child's life. Such as SOCIAL INTERACTION.
Where do you think friends get made? In class, where you aren't allowed to talk much at all? No. It's during recess, where you can do WHATEVER THE HECK YOU WANT. How are these kids going to grow up? I'd like to see, just so I could form a better argument if this ever comes up when I'm an adult and it happens at MY child's school.
How do you think I got into Pokemon? It was during recess, when I watched some kids playing the TCG. My brother got his Advance shortly afterward, and I made him buy Blue Version because it looked cool. I would be an entirely different person if not for recess.

I think these kids are going to grow up and be overcompetitive and antisocial, and completely unable to make their own decisions. It's fine to have sports during recess. But the kids should be able to CHOOSE whether to play a sport or not.
Also, they will be completely intolerant of pain and the fact that LIFE ISN'T FAIR. A nice game of unorganized soccer where kids are getting pushed around and stepped on and minorly hurt is good for kids, if only because it teaches them not to whine about a little bit of pain. That's what's wrong with kids today, in my opinion: They are so absorbed in video games and technology that they don't play enough sports, and only then under the strict guidance of a teacher, as shown in this "structured recess" crap. They don't get to see that sometimes there ARE no rules, and you CAN get hurt. Every time you so much as accidentally scratch a small child these days, it seems, they start bawling and running for their parents. When I was a kid, I was smacked in the face with a chunk of ice- DURING RECESS- and my nose started bleeding like crazy, and I wasn't even CLOSE to being as wimpy as some kids.
For example: My cousin is 8 years old, and he's afraid of riding his bike because he thinks he's going to get hurt. When I was 8, I could ride a bike fine, and yes, I got hurt doing it, but you get through all that because riding a bike is just so awesome. But my cousin has had a Wii for a couple years now. My brother didn't even get his Advance- AN ADVANCE- until he was 9 or 10. I didn't get my DS until I was 12 or 13. But no. He plays Mario Kart and Sonic and things where it's almost impossible to actually get hurt, and so he's surprised when he's not invincible like his video game characters. These kids will turn out that way too, because there are just too many rules and too much structure, and they won't be able to find out these essential parts of life for themselves.

Wow, that's a long post. But I think I made my point.
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