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Search results

  1. Legos

    Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

    Night was close to falling when they arrived, the sun had just winked out over the horizon. Emer soared through the heavy cloud cover with ease despite the two people on his back. They flew a circle around the large warehouse, checking that the layout and the guard stations matched what they had...
  2. Legos

    Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

    Delilah chuckled softly and followed. It was almost like she and Abyss were... Friends. That was certainly an odd pairing, but she wasn't complaining. It was actually kind of fun.
  3. Legos

    Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

    "Thank you, oh glorious and righteous Abyss," Delilah said with a smile, the sarcasm wasn't meant to be be mean and a there was a hint of genuine thanks underneath it. "To be honest, you two are a cute couple... In a 'gag me with a double-bladed spoon' kind of way."
  4. Legos

    I just cropped the most common picture of a Whimsicott X)

    I just cropped the most common picture of a Whimsicott X)
  5. Legos

    Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

    Delilah snorted at the amusing sight. "Beats me. Seeing as you moon after her like a fifth grader with his first crush I thought it would be obvious, even to you."
  6. Legos

    Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

    He was the one who had scared her, yet he looked surprise. Odd, especially since you couldn't tell much emotion with Abyss. "We have about an hour until we need to leave," she said. "So I'd thought I'd come make sure you wouldn't too busy stalking Luzetta when we leave. Also, I assumed we'll be...
  7. Legos

    Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

    "Playing hide and seek, are we?" Delilah said, smoothly turning towards Abyss with no sign of surprise.
  8. Legos

    Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

    Delilah had abondoned her mission to thank Blade after looking at the time, she would have to do it later. It was now time to go get Abyss. She smiled. She may be more human now, but that didn't mean she wouldn't annoy him. Most of her personality was the same, just without the complete lack of...
  9. Legos

    Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

    (long post, sorry, kind of got carried away...) What am I doing here? What do you want with me? I want to help you, precious. It's all I've ever wanted... Help me? There's something wrong with you. Let me fix it. ...Ok. - Delilah woke with a sudden flaring pain in her head, but it quickly...
  10. Legos

    Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

    Darkness. Nothing. Then laughter, a presence touching her mind... Who are you? I am Death. And I have plans for you, dear one... - A Whimsicott breaks out her Pokeball and frantically manages to get her unconscious trainer back to her room before discovery. After making sure Delilah is...
  11. Legos

    Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

    Death. That was all she thought as she flew out the room, having more control than she had ever had before of her powers. Pesky psychic type, pesky little psychic type that deserved to die, had to die for what he did... Her mouth salivated at the thought of tasting blood again, it had been so...
  12. Legos

    Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

    Delilah nodded, accepting the plan and... The watch. She read the inscription and felt something funny inside, something she didn't like. She slipped the watch on - might as well, telling time was always useful - and walked over to the punching bags... Her illusion flickered. Delilah grasped...
  13. Legos

    Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

    Delilah skimmed over the note and froze, reading it more thoroughly. What in the world...? She felt a low growl forming at the back of her throat, she did not like this one bit. "Who gave this to you?" she asked. "And do you know anything else about it?"
  14. Legos

    Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

    "Is it even possible for a Gallade morph to get 'flabby?'" she asked, and then began walking again. "Anyways, I assume you saw the mission."
  15. Legos

    Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

    Delilah had just turned the corner when she head Blade knocking on her door. She might as well go see him. She turned around and quickly walked back over him, tapping him on the shoulder. "I'm awake," she said. "I was just heading to the gym, but what do want to talk about?"
  16. Legos

    Pokemon-Return of the shadows

    Ok, and yeah that's fine I would rather have Eve stay normal, but I remember reading somewhere you wanted more shadow pokemon so I was trying to help. But yeah that's all good, I'll update the forms with the moves and stuff right away.
  17. Legos

    U.S. Government Shutdowns

    The main problem with eliminating the debt is that the only way to do that is to raise taxes pretty high, which would not make people happy whatsoever - even if it was passed.
  18. Legos

    Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

    (Sorry I thought I mentioned this, but since they are stealing smothing I'd figure they'd get together and head out around dusk. Terribly sorry!)
  19. Legos

    Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

    (The whole "problem" would mainly be her psychopathy, and also the "secret" is how she's really a Zoroark morph)" Delilah awoke and yawned. After listening to Thorn telling her that Blade had been returned safely and was practically healed, she went and picked up the folder that had been...
  20. Legos

    Pokemon-Return of the shadows

    I do have one question... Do Pokemon have access to all moves the gain, and if so what about shadow Pokemon? Name: Rein Age: 34 Gender: Male Species: Pokemon/Salamence Level: 53 Bio: He was captured by Cipher as a Shelgon, where he evolved and was turned Shadow. He escaped several years ago and...
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