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Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

Blade finished up the chapter he was on and decided she was probely getting abyss, so with that he returned back to Luzetta's room. Strod across to the opposit wall, put one hand in his pockest and held the book with the other and continued reading, if he knew luzetta she knew he was outside
"Playing hide and seek, are we?" Delilah said, smoothly turning towards Abyss with no sign of surprise.
"No. I've merely been speaking with Deiros," Abyss responded, "I just returned to find you knocking on my door. I know about the mission, so you don't have to tell me." Abyss hid his emotions well, but his eyes sometimes gave him away. He was actually rather surprised that Dalilah had seeked him out.
"You can come in, Blade. You know that," Luzetta called out the door without raising her head from the paperwork. She signed her name on it with a flourish and placed her head on her palm, waiting for Blade to take or leave the invitation.
He was the one who had scared her, yet he looked surprise. Odd, especially since you couldn't tell much emotion with Abyss.

"We have about an hour until we need to leave," she said. "So I'd thought I'd come make sure you wouldn't too busy stalking Luzetta when we leave. Also, I assumed we'll be riding on Emerald since you don't have any large flying types."
"Stalking Luzetta? Why, exactly, would I be doing that?" Abyss's eyebrows rose into his hairline, that, combined with his odd colored eyes, made the sight quite comical to see.

"Just a little" Luzetta admitted with a sigh, "I've failed you all, I still can't believe you trust me." Of course she was talking about the incident the night before, even though (to her knowledge) Blade hadn't been there.
Delilah snorted at the amusing sight. "Beats me. Seeing as you moon after her like a fifth grader with his first crush I thought it would be obvious, even to you."
Abyss was silent at this comment.

Then, something surprising happened. The Gengar morph smirked (almost a smile, actually)
"Damn. And I thought I hid it SO well..." He snickered, "Observant, as usual." He murmured.

Compliments. Abyss didn't give them often, and when he did, well...they were usually coated with so much sarcasm they weren't noticed as compliments, but...yeah.
"Thank you, oh glorious and righteous Abyss," Delilah said with a smile, the sarcasm wasn't meant to be be mean and a there was a hint of genuine thanks underneath it. "To be honest, you two are a cute couple... In a 'gag me with a double-bladed spoon' kind of way."
"A double bladed spoon? Tsk tsk. A little sadistic today, are we?" Abyss teased, snickering again, before he swept down the hallway, calling over his shoulder, "Well come on, girl wonder, we got to get going!"
Delilah chuckled softly and followed. It was almost like she and Abyss were... Friends. That was certainly an odd pairing, but she wasn't complaining. It was actually kind of fun.
"you didn't fail anyone," blade said," I did I ran out with my tail between my legs but karma be it, I got hurt on the ladder while I was watching,"
"Y-you were watching?" Now Luzetta was even more flustered, as she looked at her watch, "Almost time for us to go. We're supposed to leave 15 minutes after Abyss and Dalilah, and I'm almost sure they've gone by now."
"oh god, well should we leave without him," blade said," if we wait too long then a patrol may catch us," as much as he didn't want to leave John it was better for the sake of the mission.
Night was close to falling when they arrived, the sun had just winked out over the horizon. Emer soared through the heavy cloud cover with ease despite the two people on his back. They flew a circle around the large warehouse, checking that the layout and the guard stations matched what they had been given in the portfolio.

With a sigh Emer flew a bit of aways away and began descending, landing in small clearing Delilah had spotted in the heavily wooded surroundings. Dismounting, Delilah turned towards Abyss, who had been sitting behind her on the flight.

"We have to walk from here," she said. "It shouldn't be more than fifteen minutes until we get there; unfortunately swooping in on a Salamence isn't exactly the most subtle way to steal something."
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