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Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

"Yes, blade, come in." Luzetta said, already knowing he was at the door, even before he spoke, due to the spiritual and slight psychic powers she gained from her Ninetales side, "I take it you got the mission folder...?"
Blade walked in, "the mission folder, ummm, oh yeah that of course everyone got it I guess,"blade said trying to see if she said if she got an extra note with her folder.
"nothing, so when do we get ready those orbs, erm I mean orb isn't gonna steal itself," blade said, he is to tense about his side mission mabye he should talk to delihlah,"I'm gonna see how delihlah is, here take this watch, i finished them last night, they have walkie talkies, maps, and a small taser that will knock out a grunt for 20 minutes," he said. He waits for luzetta's response
"ok well I'll se you later," with that he walks out the door and toward delihlahs room, "mabye I will stop to see John along the way, I think I need to him," he says as he walks down the hall,"hey John you there?"
John turned around towards Blade. He had to hide his excitement, suppress a smile.

"Yes, Blade?"
Blade looks at the floor and sees the folder,"you haven't looked at the mission yet," blade said handing John the folder,"also I think we need to talk Mano-e-Mano,"
John took the folder from Blade, and flipped through it.

"Okay, I kind of got the plan. Now, what do you wanna talk about?"
"John I do love you,but not like how you think," blade said then looked,"I love you like my brother, the one I lost to this corrupt organization," he sheds a tear at this but continues to talk,"you are both brave but believe you are not as powerful as you think you are, your caring loving and also are willings to state your mind no matter what it may be," blade puts his hand on johns sholder,"so yes I love you but as a brother, but trust me somewhere their is someone for you, believe me, now I'm going to see delihlah, you should talk to Luzetta she is on our team," blade says and waits for johns response.
John pouted in response. Well, pooh. This ruined his whole day. Other than the fact that Abyss had almost gone apeshit crazy on them.

"I'm okay with that. Besides, I knew you didn't like me. It's obvious you like Delilah." He smiled a bit after he said it, wondering how Blade would respond.
"at least you go with me and Luzetta, delihlah has to go with abyss," blade said," now go talk with Luzetta I'll be there after I talk with delihlah," with that he walks out the door and back down the hall till he reaches delihlah's room,"hey delihlah you awake?" blade asked as he knocked lightly.
Delilah had just turned the corner when she head Blade knocking on her door. She might as well go see him. She turned around and quickly walked back over him, tapping him on the shoulder.
"I'm awake," she said. "I was just heading to the gym, but what do want to talk about?"
"Is it even possible for a Gallade morph to get 'flabby?'" she asked, and then began walking again. "Anyways, I assume you saw the mission."
"weird mission, also our first as a group," blade says,"it upsetting I can't be in your team but that isn't the idea I wanted to talk about, here look at this," blade hands delihlah the note that came with his folder(ps I think it is like 5-6 of MY posts ago that I read it so look there for what it says)
Delilah skimmed over the note and froze, reading it more thoroughly. What in the world...? She felt a low growl forming at the back of her throat, she did not like this one bit.
"Who gave this to you?" she asked. "And do you know anything else about it?"
"no I don't know anyone who goes by shadow walker,"blade said,"but this is between you and me only, now we need to think, it says don't bring you, so either this person fears you or won't face you, or it could be a trap to get you,"
They had reached the gym," ok now I will say when we have obtained the orb over our watches, then if you what to tail me you know where to go, it's your call,"
With that he hands her the watch that has an engravement that says,'where ever your road may lead I will stand by you, to help you, to protect you, and just to be near you -Blade'
He then enters the gym and heads over to the bench press(the one where you put weights on the bar, lay on your back, and raise and lower the bar) loads it up to 450 lbs to start and begins his sets.(he is wearing a blue short sleeve and black sweat pants.
Luzetta pops into the gym after a while, going over to a 'makeshift' track course and beginning to run laps, she ignores her 'comrades' and continues on. Getting quicker and quicker with every lap.
"haha hey Luzetta you run any faster and you can teach your self extreme speed," blade says still benching but now the weights are at 520lbs. on each end.
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